Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
O/ the #iritualeuilsmhichaccompany worldly thing!. 753 found, and the .fruitleffecare ofcorneholdeth it head hip, h- eft : fo he ismoflpuffed vp, and loftie in his own ,conceit, who is molt emptie of grace, and disfurniflred ofall fpiritu- all goodnes.Thus alfo riches too much affeéaed,become (as Luke 8.14. our Sauiour Chriflhath taughtvs)thornes which wallet no graces grow in vs, and come to ripenes ; and therefore the ApofilePaul telleth vs,that we mull flie couetoufnes,before we can follow after right eou fnes,gadlines, faitVane, patience, r. andmeekenes. So that it is hard to haue worldly gaine, and fpirituáll grace; to be rich in poflèflìons, and rich in godli - "Li Iucram,ibi ties; to have chefis full of earthly treafures, and hearts well & d area furnifhed with the fatting graces of Gods holy Spirit: for dannrrm in " thefe earthly vanities intangle mens hearts with the birdlime cenfc,entia.Tg_ ofcarnall loue,which being admitted Both quench in vs the let z efië,e'per. loue ofGod which is the fountaine ofgrare and true obedi- du fidem.Ac- ence.Now what (asonefaith) will it profit vs, to have full `perdn tu$t. coffers and emptie confciences ?co haue goods,and not to be team.Auputt. good? for who bath not iufl caufe ofblufhing and flume, Q ed prodcFE though his houle be full ofgoods, if he knoweth that they plena an,jo COr. haue an euillmafler? The like alto may be Paid ofvoluptuous esiia i ac. pleafures; for as the heathen man could truly fay, the tree ofAnon,. de vertue cannot grow in the land of pleafures; becaufe they verb.Dom. who are addi&ed to carnali delights are made-fo purfie and scrm.,a. Mort winded, that they cannot take the paines to afccnd the Cato hlaior. Ell of vertue ; neither in truth haue they anydefine; for they'finib, iudge all thingsby fenfe,and not by reafon; and eflec rte that bell, which is fiveeteli to their appetite. In a word, if we make our hearts the harborrough of any worldly vanities, -they will not fuller any fpirituall graces to lodge and mingle with them; for example, if we fee our hearts on honors,they will not admitfaith to haue an entrance. For as our Saviour fpeaketh, How canye beleteuewhich reoeiue honor one °fanother, Cohn and feeke not thehonor whichcommetti of God alone? And the fame effeêrbath the immoderate loue ofriches; for as the A- ,pofileteacheth vs, they who lu.fledafter money erredfrom the t .Tins 6. r o., faith, and piercedthemfelues through lbith many forromes. To Ambrot.Tum. which purpofeone faith, that if any be intangled with the 3.Serm.r. - fìtares.ofworldly riches, the medicine of faith cannot profit C c c him, 1.11.11111111, ---
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