Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

754 Of the fpirituall euila'<vhiehaccompany worldly thing,. ,.lohn z.t ç. him. So alto they quench in vs the flames ofGods loue; for ifany man loue the world, the loue ofthe Father dwelleth not in him: yea this lout of the world is emnitie with God, as the Apol }le teacheth vs. Now they who louenot God do not truff,nor hope in him; neither yet performe any other dutie,feeing loue is the fountain of all true obedience. And therefore we muf} emptie our hearts of this worldly loue, if we would haue anyfanc5hlying graces to dwell in them; we mull learne to contemne there earthly vanities, before wee can el }eeme,orwith any def re leek after faith,affiance,hope, loue,or any other fauing grace ofGods holy fpirit ; for the oile ofGodsgraces,and thcfe waterifh vanities wil not mixe Tama 4 4. §.Seïl.3. Secondly, worldly profperitie and abundance of thefe Tbat earthly earthly things,doe,when they are immoderately loued,dint abendancedoth the ties of the vnderf}anding, euen in relpcó} of eluill wif- infatuarethe dome,and make them f}arke blind and very looks,indilccr- vli"fionding. nine f irituall thins For who feeth nor, that commonlie utxo fortuna a r g rnmium fouer, they are mof} foolifh,vpon whom the world moll fawneth ? tsltur facir. and that it is the lot of very few in this life to be happie and Perpauct fgnt wife ?For as thofe who are cockred by their parents,become gatbus' e'ja' foolifh with wantonncffe;fo -w hen men grow wanton with pikes ef%,er ouermuch worldlyfelicity, they are to befotted with follie, fapere. that they neither know themlc-lues,nor other men. And as Aduerfe malt, thofe who haue walked in the fnow,and haue had the bright fe,Funda aI nt. beamesoftbeSunne fhining in their cies, are made hereby corporally blind;fo thole who haue had theft bright obieáls ofprofperitie aiwaies in their fight,are blinded fpiritually in their minds and vnderl}andings; for as though thefewere contrary betweene themfelues, and to vs incompetible, to haue a greateflate,and a good vnderf}anding; fo much bet- terlighted we are in time of aduerfitie, then in profperitie. Ent as this confluence of w oddly benefits makes men dim - lightedîn ciuill wifdome,fo flark-blind in-the waits ofGod. Andtherefore the. Pfalmifl ioyneth both there together, worldly profperitie, and ignorance of Gods will : his waits (faith he)alrvaiesprefper, and Gods "iadgementsare -high above ii fight. And hence itis,that the Apoiileaalîrmingthat Sa- tan TaWm.xo.g.