Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the fpiritaall milt which accompany worldly thissgs. 75q tan blindeth the ties of worldlings, Both call him in that placc,the God,if the world ; implying thereby, that he vfcth the world, and worldly vanities, as his inlih uments for the finiting of them with this ípirituall blindneflè.rn whom (faith z.G.or44. he) the God of tha world loath blended the minds, that is, of the Jnfidthtbat the light of the glorious GofFellofChrill,rehrchis theimage ofGod ,Jhould not Arne vitro them. For Satan caf}eth this duff of worldly vanities,intothe eies of carnal nren,thac Naziarz:de they may not difcetne the fhining beames of Gods truth ;1 a finis vi. but may grope at noone day, and for want of this 1pirituall light to guide them, n,ayerre out of the right way, which lcadeth to glory and eternall happineflè, and goc the broad and plaine way which leadeth to deftruaion. In which rc- fje, thefe worldly things may fitly be comparedto plea - fanr wines,which being drunke in abundance, fo intoxicate the braine,that there is forthe time, no difference botwecnc drunkards,and foolcs,ormadmen : for fo they who abound iaa llearthlyprofpericie, haue their vnderllandingsinfatua- ted, and their fenfesbcfotted with much drinking ofthefe golden cups, fo as they have no more wifdome or iudge- menttodifcerne offpirituali things,thenverylooks orfran- ticke Ferlons. For as mad men doe not fee things as they are intruth,but as their lunafie and difeafe loth offer them to theirdciuded phantafic; fo neither dot they who go a mad - -cling after worldly vanities, vndcrl }and and fudgeofworld- ly and fpirituali things,as :hey are in their owns nature, and acc,rding totheir true worth and value, -but are wholly led with their difeale, fudging neither according to religion, nor yet well grounded reafon, but as they are deluded and misguided with their carnal con cupifcence.And that world - lings are in truth thus mad and foolish, and wholly blinded with' the things whereupon they haue let their hearts,it may clearelyappeare, ifwee confider their whole courfe and ca- riage. For who but fooles and madmen would lay vp their treafures there, where they haue no certaintie to continue one houre,and where all their predeceffours hauing Bored vp all their riches haue begi robbedolchem; not placing a- iiypart of them in their ovine countrie,where they are tore_ G cc 2 mains
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