Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
75 O f the fpiritnall emits which accompany wort* things; rnaine as long as they liuc?but thus do thefeblindêd'world- h ogs lay vp their tieafures oa earth,whcrethey cannot flay, andwhere they haue Teen by their owne experience al their ancetiors rubbed, ifnot by me n, yet by death, of all their ri- ches; and lend no part ofrheir wealth before them into our heauenly counrrie,where we (hall remaine for euer.So who but fooles and mad men would exchange pure gold for fhi- ning braffe,and a faire inheritance, for fome childi(h trifles? but thus do worldlings,who are content by wilful finning to lofe hcauen for earth, trueglory for falle vanities, and euer- Jailing happincfl which (hail neuer end, for báfedelights, and counterfait comforts which are euer ending. Who but fooles and mad men, when the-fire ragingly burnethf would,to quench it, cation ore wood and oile? But thus doe worldligs, who fecketo quench the burning heate of their vnfatiable concupifcence, by multiplying, andas it were,heapingvpó the fire,worldly vanities, riches,pleafures and preferments,vs Bich are the fuell oftheir lutis,by the as. cef£e hereof,thcy are more enraged. Whobutfooles and mad men, who being in their pilgrimage, and trauelling through theeuiflrplaces, would Carrie all their jewels and treafures about them,which not onelyouer-burthen them in their iouraey,but are in continual! danger to be taken away by robbers,and al1:o endanger theirrownersto their rage and -crueltie? whereas they might fafely fetidthern before them, and follow after with fecuritie and comfort. But thus doe worldlings,who trauelling in our earthly pilgrimage, Carrie all their treafures with thein,as it were,openly in their hands in the middetl of robbers, tyring themfelues with the ca. riage, and hazarding their hues to be murthered for their goods; whereas they -might by.bils ofexchange,fendthem fafely into our heauenly counrrie,in.the -fate cutlody ofGods fa&òrs,the poore membersofIefus Chrifl,,and fo in the pil- grimageofthistranfrorielife ,trauellafterthemwith much comfort and contentment. Who but fooles and mad men would let theirhearts and affeólions vpon their Inne, where they are to continue but a night,and fall to building,purcha- ßng,and planting, as though they were there to cad their dates?
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