Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

OfthefPiritYall eu:It which accompany worldly things. 757 daies?But thus worldlings do place al their loue on 9 things of this life ; and fettle their affections on the world, purcha- fing, planting, and building here on earth, where they can make no tlay,but may to day before to morow be taken a- way, and leave all behind them;to be inioyed Come times by flrangers, & fomtimealfoby their enemies .Who but fooles and mad men would continue I i! perfwaded of thar,which is continually and daily confuted by experience? But thus doe worldlings,who imagine that they shall line long, and attainevntoold age,yea immortalitie ;notwithflandingthey daily fee both weake and flrong, young and old arreftcd by death,and twentic for one before they haue trauelled halfe their iourtaey; either in their childhood or full ftrength.Who but fooles and mad men, fpend their whole timein thole things,for the doing whereof they can giueno reafon,nor know noend.of all their a&ions? but thus worldlings hue to old age,not knowi ngthe end wherefore they liue,nor the caufe why they were lent into the world ; namely, by their faithfull feruice to glorifie God in their ownefaluation; and therefore they vtterly neglect this mainebulneffe, of which they are ignorant,and fpend their whole time about world- ly vanities, and in performing feruice to finne and Saran. Who but fooles and mad men would make Pale oftheirchief iewell,which is of infinie worth and value, for a bafe trifle which is vncertaine alto in the poffefiìon ? but thus doe worldlings,by lying,( wearing ,deceiuing,and.opprefling,fet their foules to Pale, which is ofinfinit more worth, then the Matk.8.36. whole world, for euery (mall pittance of worldly vanities, and (as it were) to make themfelues kings of a little mole- hill. Who but fooles and madmen would,becaufe they are aging the part of a great monarch, contenne their owne Soueraigne,andproudly infult ouertheirfellowcs and com- panions,feeing within a few houres,they (hallbee againe e- quail with the meanefi? but this follie doe worldlinos fall into,who being for a moment in worldly pompe and pro - fperitie, defpife-theKing ofHeauen and Earth, and carrie themfeluesproudly and difdainfully to their fellow feruants, who, when their part is a6 ed, and the night of death ap. C c c 3 prochcth,