Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
758 Oftbefpiritualleui1eohich aecompanyworldlthistgr. procheth, ((tall again become their equals, as they were at their fir(( entrance vpon this worldly (}age. Who but fooles and madmen would bee careful( of maintaining their credit among their fellow malefactors, and carefully hide their faults from thofe who are alike guiltie; and neuer at all re- fpett the pretence of theirfudge; but defperately commit all crimes and outrages before his face? but thus doe world- lings, who (landing vpon theirreputation, heedfully hide their faults frommen, who are alike finfull to themfclues; and neuer care to commit moll outragions wickedneffe in the fight ofGod, before whom, one day they mutt appeal e to be acquitted or condemned. Finally, who but Looks and mad men would make delay of difparching thofe things which are of greate(t.waight,and deferretheir rnoii impor- tant bufinelfe to their belt leifure ; and prefentlÿ vndertake the obtaining of every flight trifle, which onelybringeth fome prefent delight, and is of no necefíarie or profitable vie? But thus carnallworldlings doe firf} labour after earth- ly vanities, which are of no value, vaine and moment anie ; and deferre their repentance to the end of life, when bauing increafed the heauie burthen of fione, they fhall bee much morevnable co caP it off; and negle&the alferance of their owns faluation,which flhould be moil dears vitto them, as a thing nor worth the honing, or which they may haue at 4.stU.4. pleafure; though it be the free gift ofGod, which heefel- Thathonours, dome beffowethvponthofe, long and ofienre- riehesand plea fufed andcontenmedit. fures make men And thus it appeareth that thefe worldly things doe in- blind thej o t Tatuate the vnderflandtng and even blinde the eyes of the beawe foule,fo as they cannot fpiritual}y difeerne the way of falta- tion,nor how to efcape that broad way which leadeth to de- (lruttion; but as blinde men are readie to (tumble againkl euery ftone,to mane theirheads againf the wallas &trees, and ro fall headlong to their deflrut'ioninto euery pit and ditch : fo thofe who haue their fnules blinded with the im- moderate loue of thefe earthly vanities, are readie to Rum- ble at euery (lone of offence, whereby they fall into fin, and are hindred in the waits ofgodlineffe; and co plunge churl- (clues
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