Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

O fthe fpiritual euils whichaccompany ìborldlythings. 7551 (clues headlong into thofe ditches and pits of vice and wic- kedneffe, to their eternal! perdition and condemnation, which Satan and the world doe dig for them; fo oft as they are indeed to goe on in thefe defperate courfes, with the al-. luring promifes of earthly benefits; wilfully falling (as the Apoltle fpeaketh ) for the loue of earthly abundance, into tentations and pares, and setomany foolifh and nail-one !cr/Is, t.Titn.s.g, which drowne them in perdition and de/trufilon. And thus the immoderate loue of honours and preferments,doe fo blinde the eyes of ambitious worldlings, that they putfue with headlong hafle glorie and aduancement, neuer difcerning nor greatly caring whether they be in the way that leadeth to hell and defirutlton,or in the way that bringeth vino life and happineffe. It maketh them fooliíh in refpeel offpiritu- all wifedome, which guideth vs to euerlafling glorie, and with proud contempt to difdaine it as childifh fimplicitie, efleemiug them only wife who with the machiauellian poli. ciesdoeattainevnto earthly preferments ,thoughthis wife- ton 3.!ç. dom be earthly,carnall,and diuellifh,leading men as it were hoodwinckt into eternal! death. It caufeth them like foolesHof' z. t. or madmen,when they arc hungry,to gape after the winde, and to fceke to fatisfie their emptie foules with feeding on the breath of vulgar praifes ; negleóling in the meane time that fubfiarìtiall bode, and true nourifhmentofeuerlailing glorie and heauenly happineffe. In refpedl whcreofthis fol- lie of worldiings,is by the Prophet compared to the folly of Habac.z.5. drunkennes,which maketh men to follow their prefent ap- petite, and to flop their cares again!l all reafon and well - grounded perfwafions. And the Prophet Dauid compareth them to thebrutifh creatures, which are onely guided with fenfe,and haue no vfe of reafon : Man (faith lie) in honour, pfa1,49. *o, underliandeth not, bee is 14e to heafls that perish. The which their brutifh folly and frantick madres, isfo much the grea- ter and more vncurable,becaufe they think themlelues wife, and all other men fooles and idiots in comparifon of them. For fo the Wife man aflïrmeth,that ifa man be wife in his eren Prouaó.n.. conceit,there is more hope of a foole, then of him. For as one Greg.Moral. faith, the longer pride lodgeth in the heart,the more hardly hb.z4.cap.,3. Ccc4 it