Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Ofthe /fiíritualleuílr?,hich accompany'trarldtÿ things. 761 any profit by religion,he will rake acquaintance ofit,and no man in outward Phew (hall be moe.deu out ; but ffitwill not fland with his wdrldly zduarìtage, he will with Demo, forfake it,and with Densetrtus perfecutz it. Finaily,nothing more then voluptuous pleafures do infatuate the vnderflan- ding,and blind the eyes of the foule, fo as they are not able to iudge and determine any thing according to reafon, but meafnre all things by brutith fen (ualitie. And as thick and darke clouds doe hide from our bodily eyes the light of the Z4 bibit rode funne; fo thofe vapours and fumes which arife into the head fusi:;precut out offlomacksdiilempered with furfetring and drunken- hincdifcedite nes,doe fo intoxicate the braine, and hide the light ofrea -bonæe ntárs $on,and the illumination ofGods fpirit,:fiom the eye of the qui bibitisde foule,thar it is utterly vnable to difcerne offpirituall things, Jtrit.Ouid.4. or what is fit and requifite in ciuil wifedotne and difcretion, Fafontm. but giueth it felfe wholly to be guided with voluptuoufnes Pi" its telu? ue and carnaliconcupifcence. To which purpofe one faith,that mL5 t Le: a fat belly feldome produceth any wittie inuention :and an Bernard. de or- other affirmeth, that thee deceiueth himfelfc who thinketh din.vira. that hemay cram his belly with daintiemeatesand drinkes, H eron ib.t. andhaue any leaCure to fludiewifedome. Yea cuen the hea- aduerl. ?Quin. then mancould teach vs,that voluptuous pleafure,as an ene- Se- mie vntoreafon,doth hinder wife counfell,and dazeleth the am, eyes of the minde, nd that it can hold with vertue no ac- quaintance and corre pondence. And hence it is that the Wife man.calleth mirth madneffe; and the Grecians call EccleCaae ggluttonie the throte or belly - frenzie ; becaufe they who are tc.4,tr <& fubieál unto ir,áre moil fottifh and foolifh in all their cour- seg4(014. fes,meafuring all thingsaccording to their fenfuall appetite, and not according to the light ofreafòn. But aboue all plea- fures,lull and vncleannes doth infatuatethe vnderflanding; andquireputting out the eyes of thefoule,doth leade a man in a headlong.courfe into hell and deflruélion : and therfore the lafciuious wanton, and fiithie fornicatour, by acertaine kinde of proprietic or eminencie is called a foole,who is not leadby his owne reafon,but by the diredîion and comman- prou.7.7ss.x; dement ofhis harlot, following her as anaxe that geethto tbeflavghter, andartfooletethejiee lçsforcarreEtiorr,tila dart firikc
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