Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
76z Ofthe jpiritud coils which acc mepany lborld y things. Pike through his louer ;and as a bird hafteth to the fnare, not knowing that he is in danger. Pee But as the abundance of thefe worldly things, immode_ That worldly rately loued, do make men blind and ignorant in the know- abundance ledge of all things, fo efpecially of chemfelues and of their makesmenfo friends; for they who are pampred with profperirie, forget ignorant that their humane and fraile condition, whereby they are be- tbeycannot knemtfië ¡eluts. comemiferable, both inre(pe& oftrne and punifhment; and are readie in their pride and felfeloue to deific them - felues,and to imagine that they are creatures diuine and im- mortal!. And this maketh them alto to difdaine and con - temne their brethren, as though they were not made by the fame workman, of fame matter, and in the fame mould; but creatures (if at leaf} creatures) ofpurer fubflance,and of a farrc more excellent nature and condition. And thus the ambitious man being aduanced vnto honours and prefer- ments, can neuer haue a true fight and knowledge of him- felfe; partly becaufe his owne pride and felfeloue blinded' him, fo as hee can neuer make a true ellimate of his owne worth, and partly becaufe he bath a whole cloud ofparautes and flatterers about him,which dazle his fight, and with ouer partiall praifes extol! his good parts, and magnifie his gifts farre aboue their true vallue; fo as he can neuer fee them as they are in truth,hut as thefe falfe glaffes offer them to his view. Vnto which he is content to giue more credit,then ei- ther to the teflimonie of his friends, or his owre fight and iudgement,becaufe their vntruths are more pleafing and de- lightful(; as if deformed creatures being magnified for their beautie,fhould voluntarily put out their eyes, becaufe by looking in true glaffes, they should difcouer this falfeand vndeferued commendations. And thus alto riches and abun- dance ofworidly plcafures and delights, doe puffe menvp with pride, whereby they forget their owne frailtie & mor- talitie,and are apt to conceiue,that they exceed all others as much in true worth and exceilencie, as they are preferred before them in riches and delights. Now what can be more miferable,then for a man to be ignorant of himfelfe, and to imagine that hee is happie when hee is wretched, excellent ',then
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