Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Ofthefirituaf mile which accompanierworldly thrng,. 763' when he is bate ; highly in Gods loue, whenhe is deepelyin his difpleafure; and better then a man,when he is work then adiuell? feeing if a man know not his humanefrailtie,. he will neuer feeke after fpirituall perfcétion;if he do not lee his begoerie, he will neuer labour after true riches; if he fede not Ins (icknes,.he will neuer feeke to haue itcurcd;andifhe do not difcerne his worldly miferie, hewill neuer hunger al- ter heaucnly happineffe. And as this cofluenceof worldlythings doth .fo blind the Ser<1.6. eyes ofthofe who haue them, that theydo not know them- 4hat worldlya_ felues ; fo muchmore dothey make them ignorant oftheir bunaäce makes, friends, bringing with them a kind ofimpoffibilitie of di -men ignorant of fcerning a truefriend who loueth their perfon, from a flatte- their friend:. rer, who loueth their efface; one who loueth them for their owne fake,and for theirvernies and good parts, from ano- ther who loueth them for the vfe which they can make of them, by communicating with them in their worldly happi- neffe. It is true that happie men neuer want kindred nor Ter elmX t7n friends; but who among this multitude are friends to them, and who friends for their owne fake, that they may (hare omneJ/aue a";., with. them in their wealth or honors, it can hardly bee de- nes.Ménander termined till their profperitie and theybeing feueeed, flat- spudStub. terers leave them and follow their eflate, and true friends adhere frill veto them, becaufe their perfon, venues' and good parts doflillremaine. For whereas he who isfaithful! alwaies, delights in his friends companre,but then moli offi- cioufly reforts veto him when his worldly profperitiebath left him;becaufe then efpecially he needs his }wipe and com- fort, and himfelfe hath bell opportunitie of approning his friendfhipto be found and £ubflantiallinthistime oftriall, becaufe aceordingto the prouerbe, a frieadrn need,is a friend indeed: and that other vttered by more fanaified lips; A Prou.17.17, friend/meth ne allu mes, and a brother is borne foradnerfstie t contrariwife, a fal le friend whole iron heart is drawne with the loadflone of profit or delight, lafteth in a feeming con - flancie as long as thefe laff, andleaueth when thefe fade and are taken away. In which refpe &one compared) men vnto M.Greeohatn. fpringsorfoutatainesofwater, which are refortcd voto by many !
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