Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
764 Oftbe prima euil: trhicb accompany worldly things. many whilefi they haue !lore of water, but are neglcaed ut- terly when they are become drie :and the holy man lob like - neth falle friends to little brookeswhich haue abundance of water, fo as theyouerflow in time of winter, when there is Iob 6.11.t6. no need of them ; but are drie in the drought offiimmer, de- 17, ceiuing thofe who refort vnto them to quench their thtrfi. For as euery one will be allied vnto him who may helpe to Menander in aduance his worldly cilate; fo it is hard for thepoore to find Adelphisapud akinfman (and much more a faithful! fiend) becaufe no Stobæum. man is willing to acknowledge him who fiandeth in need, fearing lefi taking acquaintance he fhould crane his helpe. 4'04 proffreritas When therefore a man lining in worldly profperitie is belo- am eum mdi- ued of many, he is very vncertaine whether they louehim- cac; nimicucrfelle or his rof erousefiate and it only the bile ofthis as irìmicam P P y cetot.Gregor. earthly happinei e,which can determine this doubr,as being Moral ib.. the only touch-fione ofvnfaired loue ; for atprosferitydorh Eecleuatlicus not fhetb a friend, fo neither dorh adnerfìtie conceale an enemie. aa'8. For how many haue we knowne vpon whom almofieuery one hath fawned whileli the world finiled on them; who when it bath afterwards frowned, haue turned their fauours into fcornes, and their frienillhip into emnitie? and being true louers of their proper obit& vpon which they haue fet their hearts, namely the profperitie of theworld, they leaue the perfons,whom it forfaketh, and make choice of others whom it accompanieth, howfóeuer vnworthie they haue thought them in times pall, of the leali fparkc of loue or thew of friend thip. Of this holy lob iufily complaincth: My neighbours hart forfaken me, and my familsar.r haue forgotten iobr r4. me: and Dauidalfoin many places; I am become a firan er Pial. 9.T vote my brethren, andan alien: to my mother: fannes: and a. and69.$. and gaine, M, familiar friend whom I truiled,which did eure of my 41.9. bread,hath lifted vp the heel again(' me. Sothe Church in time Lamenc.ns. ofaffliólionmaketh this lamentation, that among all her lo- 4.Seîi. 7. uers/be bath none to comfort her, and that all her friends dealt That honors, ri vnfatthftlly with her, and became her enemies. gibes and plea- fora make men And thus it is impoffible for thofe whoareaduanced vnto vnobte to di- honors,to difcerne true fricnds,from falle flatterers; becaufe fcerne friendr if many loue their perforas, there arc many more that loue from flauteert. ßeú
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