Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Ofthe f iritteall euálr tvhichaccompanywarldl things. 765 their places an-d preferments: according to that of the Wife man, Many reverence theface of the `Prance, and carer, one is a Protrt 9.6. friend to him that ginethgifts : all which are readie to forfake Paw reses non them, if they be once difplaced out ofthe throne of honor. reps: cohms: A notable example whereofwe haue in Ahab, who whileft rtarer, fulgor be hued washonored as a King, and well was he that could conaocat aals. Here. haue the keeping of one of his children, to flew hereby hisOetea. loue vnto their father ;but nofooner was he ouerthrowne, lehoproclai [lied King, but they prefently adore this ri-. fing funne, and at his commandement, ofguardians to their mailers children,they become bu tchcrs,andfend their heads to lehu for a prefent. So euery one in outward film will bè the friend of him who aboundeth with worldly wealth; and as the Wife man faith, riches gather many friends but who Prond9.4. among this multitude are friends to the rich,andwho to rt: ches, it cannot be difcerned, till pouertie asa fan fever them, parting the chaffe offlatterie, from the goodgraine of trim ftdelitte. For manywho thinke it a thraldome to be lincked in loue, with fuch. as being- deflitute of all good parts, are, void ofall drfert; yet are well contented to continue bound and fettered fldl, becaufe their chaises of bondage are of gold; but no fooner do their riches faile, but prefently they faile with them,and plainly fhew that al this while theywere not friends to their perfons, but to their owne profit. And as flies forfake the kitchin beingfwept and clenfed,and wafpes the bonypot when it is emptie and Beane washed, about which they (warmed in great multirudes,.whileft being full they might f cke from itany fweetnes : fo thefe falfe friends haunt and flocke vrto the houlesof the rich,whileft their Fiore lafleth ; but ifby any cafualtiethey be flripped of their wealth, prefently their friendfhip faileth when the tank thereofistaken away.Foolifh therfore is their conceit, who being rich thinke all friends that fawnevpon them; or who imagine that they can buyloue with gifts & benefits, which is only purchafed with mutuall lone, verrue, good parts, and wel- deferuing; without which, great fifes are to the reed- tiers in this refpea efleemed iniuries, becaufe they bind them to fuel),. vino *horn they hate. to:be beholding. To which
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