Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

O f the fpiritualltails which accompaaie worldly things. 767 re(Ied : therefore when they fnke and faile, this tottring building ate &ed on them mull needscome to ruine and be vtrerly oucrthrowne. A third fpirituall euil which vfually accompanieth world- §.Seí1.8 l yprofperity and abundance ofearthly. things, is, that they That earthly a. commonly lull men afleepe in carnali fecurity,whereby they Ìerhletuetj 4- put lure from them the euill day, as though they were pri- uiledged and exempted from al Gods iudgements,notwith- flandmg that they got on in their finnes,.and daily prouoke his wrath againft them. For becaufe they enioy worldly profperitv,and ahoundin all earthly bleflìngs,thereforethey prefùme that they are highly in Gods loue and fauour, and that he liketh and approueth them in all their courfes,,be- caufc he fo multiplieth his benefits, and giucth vnto them filch lib:;ra11 wages, as they imagine, for their well defer - uing. And fo thefe temporarie and outward gifts, through the id} iudgement of God, and their groffe abufe of his bounteous mercy, doe become vnto them gifts of iuflice and wratb,rather then of mercy and loue; and like vnto lacis milke bring theminto filch a deepe flamber, or rather dead fleepe of carnal] fecurity, that they . neuer awake, but are mortallywounded,and made an eafle prey to their fpirituall enemies,who doe purfuethem for their lines. Thus Dauid Pfal.ta.e, faith, that becaufe the wicked mans mites did alwaies proper, therefore godsiudgements were high about. his .fîhr, and he at defiancewith all his enemies ; raying inbu beam! [hall neuer be moued,norbein danger. So the rulers of Iudah hailing the Efa.28.rf, world at will, and carying all things according to their own pleafure, are Paid in the fecurity oftheir hearts,.to haue made a couenantwith dearh,and anagreement lbith hell: promiling vnto themfelues, that though a fcourge¡hould -runne otter and paffe through, it ¡hould not come here them, becanfeahey had made f zllhood their refuge, and hid themfelues tinder. vanitie.. Thus allo the fame Prophetbringeth in the epicures encou- raging one another in their fecurity: Come,1 willbringwine, and we will fill our felues with flrang drinke, and to morrow !hall 4e as this day, and muchmore abundant. And .fo the Prophet 1mw telleth theepeople, that by their profpiri y they.were brought.