Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

768 Of the fpirituall toils which accempanie worldly things, brought intofecurity,with which when they were hoffeffed they vtterly neglced the threatningsofGods iugements, For hauing laid, that they hadput farre away the ,udlday, and approched to the feat of iniquitie ; hee prefently inferreth this as the caufe thereof, that they did he vpon brut of iuorie, and Amos6. 3.4.5 ffretch themfelacs vpon their beds, and did sate the lambes of theflocke,and the cattier out of the /fall; that they did ling to the found of the vi,U,and invented vnto themfelsees inf rtiments ECa 8, ofmuficke, for their earnall delight, as D.tutd did for Gods feruice; that they did drink! wine in bowler, and anoint them - felues with the chiefe oyntments, &c. Finally, our Sauiour Chrifl faith, that the people of the old world lining in all profperity and flop their cares to Noahr preaching, and put off from them all feare of Gods threatned iudge- ments,fpending their times in eating and drinking, buil- Luk ry 26 a8, ding and planting, buying and felling, marying,andgiuing in mariage, vnto the very day that the flood came, and drownedthemal.And fhewech that the like carnal fccurity fhould wholly poffefl'e men at the end of the world, groun- ding vpon thispremonition an effe&nail exhortation. Take Luásr34. heed to your'felues (faith he ) lei at any timeyour hearts be op_ prefedwithfurfetting and drunkenneffe, and cares of this life, and left that day come vpon you at vnalbares; becaufe it fhall come on the world as a fnare onthe (lie bird, which taketh her fuddeirly,whileli fhe fecurely feedeth vpon the bait,and feareth no danger. The which is neceffary for all men to lay it to their hearts,` feeing not onely carnall worldlings, but alto Gods faithfull feruants are apt to bee lulled afleepe with 'there pieafing fangs ofplentieand profperitie,aswe may fee Pfal ;o.6. in the example ofDauid, who laid in hisprofperitiehee fiould never be maned, becaufe God ofhis,goodneffe hadmade hishdlfo f rong :Sathe Ion ofSyrach giueth warning that in the time of lentiewebenotouertaken with fecurity. Say not (faith Eedeliafticus he) ¡haue enoughand poffaffe many things, and what etillcan 113.4af come tome hereafter? but in thy good elate remember aduerfi- ty, and in aduerfty forget not profperity. And not without good caule, feeing through our heedleffe negligence, wee tare aboue all other perils likely tabe catched in this trap. In regard