Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of,he/irituaReuils tehích rtceompaxyworldly thing r. 769 regard whereofone truelyfaith, that felicity is more to bee feared then miferie, becaufe this out oftribulation bringeth AugnR.ener- forth good fruit; but worldly happineffe corrupteth the rat.ifPfals,' mind with peruerfe fecurity, and maketh way for the diuels "13'.° tentations.Befides which danger this carnali fecurity bred in vs by flourifhing profperity, as a bad daughter ofa good mother,doth as much as any thing expofe vs to Gods heauy iudgements, which moil fuddenlyfurprife all thofe who ne- tierfùfpe &them, but carelefly contemne them ; as wee may plainely fee, ifwe will but exarnine the fore-alledged exam- ples. And this alto the Wife man teacheth vs : for neitherEccitfg,rae (faith he) doth man kyow his time ; but as the fillies Which are taken in an evil aset,and as thebirds that are caught in the fosare: fo are the children ofines feared in the euilltime,lbhen it f alleth vpen then fuddenly. From which fearefull plagues if wee would be exempted, wee muff take heed that this worldly profperity doe not rocke vs afleepe in the cradle offecuritie, and that with greater watchfulneffe, becaufe wee are eafily brought into this deepe fleepe, when wehaue once drunke deepely ofthefe fweet potions. The fourth fpirituall cull( which vfuàlly accompanied, 4,ge ,9, worldlyprofperity, and abundance of earthly things,is,im- That worldly penitencie and hardneffe of heart; for as men in their carnali abundance ¡ fecuritie,put from them the euill day, fo together with it the bringethinrpe. day of their repentance, and conuerfion vnto God. And nitenc,eand howfoeuer it bee not altogether impoffible for thofe who heart.e5t of lourifh in worldly profperity, to repent of theirfinnes; yet it is a worke ofexceeding great difficulty, and quite againfi nature, that worldlyioy and godly forrowlhoulddwell to- gether.Thewhich will plainelyappeareifwedoe but make vfe of our daily experience,and confidermens commonand continual( pra &1fe.Forhowfoeuer when- their fweet fnnes haue an after tart ofbittcrpunifhment, theymay by fink of paine beemoued to diflike and loath them; yet when they profper in their wickedneffe, and doe not onelyy take plea- lurein the (inne it felfe, which is moft.delightfull to their carnal( appetite, but alto find the fruites thereof alike fweet and pleafant,growing greatby'theirambition, waxingrich Ddd by
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