Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the fpirituall mils which accompanie worldly things, 77 t with worldlydi(Irah i6s,or giue no more credit vnto them, theifthey heard an old wines tale,becaufe they haue had no experience of Gods difpleafure,but haueprofpered in their wickednes. And this reafon of worldlings impenitencie the Wife man rendreth ; becaufe (faith he)fentence againfl an e- Ecdef.8, i r, will work! is not executedfpeedily,there forethe heart of the chil- dren ofmen is folly fet in them'ro doe eteill.An example where- of we haue in the people oflfrael,who being called by God in the time of their profperity,toweeping and mourning, and E :a.ze.rz.t;. tohaldneffeand girding With fackçloth, did fend their rime irt toy andgladneffe, flaying oxen; andkilling- fheepe, eating fleb,and drinking trine, eating and drinking, becaufe on the morrow they fhould die. The tshich was a fin fo odious in Gods fight;that he protefleth it fhould neuer be purged from the to the very death. Yeawhen by Gods meffengers they are called to re- pentance,they doe dot onely turneaway their eare,and har- den their heart, giring no credit totheir admonitions and threatnings ;but they alto are ready to deride and skorne themfor their labours, as the Scribes and Pharifies did our Sauiour Chrifi when he fought to reforme them of their cb- 'Luk.r'.14. uetoufneffe. Finally, if their coufciences bee conuinced of finne in the minHlerie of the word ; or if in the middefl of their profperity,they haue fomerùbbes of affliÓtion call itl their way, and fo comming'to the knowledge that they are fpiritually difeafed, they are troubled and affliéted in their minds, and hauefonte motions to repentance, and force de- fire to bee cured of their fickneffes and fores; yet they are prefentlyagaine caned away_ with the world, and hindred from going vnto thephyfltionoffoules,by vnfained repen- tanceand amendment; but in the pride and fecurity of their hearts,wholly trufltotheir owne rernedies,feekíng to-.put off thefe qualmes of confcience, by frequenting of merrie companie, hearing deli ghtfullmuficke,eatiog and drinking with their boone - companions, and following theirfports and recreations; whereby the defperateneffe of their elate appeareth, in that they haue no other meanes to glue them eafe,but by applying onedifeafe for the cure ofanother,aad by makigga medicine .efa maladie. And thus it appeareth D d d' z that
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