Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
772 Of the fpirituallmils which aceompanjmorldly thing,, that the more men flourifh in profperitie,the further they are ftonatruerepentance; and that when being.. wedded unto their finnes,they haue alto receiued the dowrie of earthly a_ bundance,there can nothing but death diuorce andfeparate them; becaufe as they loue their vices and corruptions, Co they hate and skorne al meanes,whereby they may be cured. Which if it be not cleare enough by the reafons beforeallea- gcd,let men but looke into the courts of Princes, and fuch places as moll abound in all profperitie, where finne is gra- ced, and the meanes of repentance del-Pifer], fo as they will not heare Gods indgements againfl wickednefl'e at all, that they may lay them to heart, and be reformed; or ifthey bee prefent when they are denounced, cannot heare them with- out difdaine or skorning; and fo may they eafily bee confir- med in this truth bytheirowne experience. §.Sell.I o. The fifth fpirituall mill which profperitie,and abundance that the inns. of earthly things immoderately lotted and de fired bringeth, Berate lose of is that they. take away.fronays all true loue of our felues : for tror[d[yth:rs, they make thofe, whaare befotted on them,voluntarily to truetouefom lofe the libertie of Gods feruants, and to inthrallthem- esrroue from mutje[r,rt. feluesin the milerable bondage offinne and Satan; toneg- ica the wages ofeuerlafiinghappineffe,and to chufe rather death and condetnnation,which is the wages of finne,to de. priue themfelues of the fruition oftheir eternal! inheritance in Gods Kingdome,andto call bodie and foule defperatelie into hell, by wilful( running in any wicked courfe, which may gaine vino them the n mentanie poffeflìon of thefe earthly vanities,honor,riches,or voluptuous pleafures.Now what enemy -could Phew a more notable fruit of hatred,then to intice them by alluring perfwafions to feeke the world, and lofe their foulc,to prefer earthly profperitie before.hea- uenly glorie,andthexemporarie fruitionofthefe momenta - nietrtfies,before the Kl ngdome of-God, and eternal! happi- nes?Yea,eu in refpe6t of this lifc,they take away the loue of theirbetter part,and make them, whileft they loue the.cabi. ( net, to negle6l the rich ¡men which itcontaineth; whilefì they dote vpon the body,to Phew all fruits ofhatred. to their Soule. For they are continually ready and willingto.ílaru the
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