Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Ofthe fpiritmedleuits which accompany worldly things. 773 the foule,ÿ they may feed the body,to difroabe it of the glo- rious garment ofrighreoufneffe, and leaue it fpirituallie na.. ked,andvtterly destitute ofall vertue and goodnes,that they may pamper the flefh, and adorne this earthlycarcafe; to Nullopaao wound it with fin to eternal death, that the outward mS¡may mulltare par flouri(h in worldly abundance. And yet for all this, in truth !la". eraryemi their loue towards their bodies, is but falfe and counterfeit; C ar;:;.ia . Chryoß.in for,for the prefent,they oftentimes weak it with pampering, Rom.8,Ser.a ;. and kill it with cock ring ; or con trari wife, whenthey are ca- tied with worldly loue in more violent conrfes,they pine and contitase it with watchings,cares, feares and forrowes,wea_ rieandtireit with toilefome labours; and continually.ha- zard it to defperate daugersbothby fea and land, that they may obtaine thefe earthly things, which they loue better then either bodie or foule. And finally, when by all this care and paincs, they haue gotten them into their.pofîeffìon, they will rather pinch both backe and bell ie,then they will (pend and diminifh that,which their foule fo dearely loueth. And if we refpeì the time to come,who can imagine that he who too much loueth the world,doth at all loue either bo- die or lbule? feeing hetakech a wilful! courfe offinnefor the obtaining of his earthly delires, whereby he cafketh them both,as it were,headlong into hell; the one to bee tormen- ted in vnquenchable flames, the other to be purfued with a heauier punifhment, the fierce and implacable wrath of God. And therefore it may be truly faid,that he who loueth theworld hateth himfelfe; fecing ifhe haue any loue at all, it is falfe and counterfeit,and he who falfely loueth,truly ha- tech ; becaufe the fruits thereofare no leffe hurtfull and per.. nicious,then thole which proceed from the cruell malice of an enraged enemie. The fixth euili which this great profperitie and abun- VA' dance of earthly bleflings bringeth, is, that they doe excee-Thar earthly dingly aggrauate their Gnnes, who abufe them in theirfrui- abundance ag- tion,both in the fight of God and men. For firfî the Lord 8raaates sink according to the greatnes ofh is benefits,doth iul y expc6l a ha etiithat proportionable meafure of thankfulnellè and obedience; which when men negle.6 ,.and contrariwife abufe his gifts D d d 3 unto