Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Ofthefpiritu ,elleuils which accompanyworldly thing:. 775 Cher doe faults alone more clearely appeare in great perform- Om>reanimi g more es ,like fin all '(pots in the faire!} piìure, and little mates in oitium land fp the beames of the Sunne:but being ditcerned, they citua isJ e y crimenimen babel fharpely cenfured and condemned,becaufe they are not only quanto major aggrauated by the greatneí1e of theireflate; but alto by the qui peccat enuie ofthofe,who cannot attain to that height. Whereby Iabe 1 it commeth to paffe, that there is no theame or argument Satyrs. more plcafug to thofe that fpeake, nor more plaufibleto their hearers,then the ripping vp, diuulging,cenfuring, and condemning of the faults oftheir frsperiours. The feuenth fpirituall euill accompanying thefe worldly 4.SecJ.I2. things,is,that they expofemen unto all tentations,and make That worldly them willing to yceld to Satans wicked fuggeflions,and the things expofe worlds inticements, and to become their readie inilruments men to many for the committing ofany fin ne, fo they may haue but hope ted ation to obtaine any of there earthly vanities, whereupon they honumamor haue let their hearts. In which refpea, it may be truly Paid, ducit darimor that as the loue ofGod is the fountaine of al true obedience, dei; adomne fo the loue of the world is the chiefe,and alsnofi only motiue Peccatum amor unto all finne,and confequently the onely meanes which Sa ducit ér timor. tan hath to draw men from God , and to hold them in his muSent.e tixcetp.ex miCerable bondage and fubie &ion.For who would renounce Auguft. the feruice ofGod, and lerue the diuell, if it were not to re- ceiue this wages of iniquitie? who in the fpirituall confii6, would kaue the f +andard of the Lord of bolls, who being omnipotent in power, is fure in the end to haue the vi6torie, and hash promifed to all his fouldiers no leffe then crownes and kingdomes; were it not that Satan allureth and hireth them to fight on his fide, with the prefent pay of worldly ri- ches,pleafures,and preferments ? Who by finning would ha- zard his foule to eternal! torments, ifhee were not allured with thefe inticing baits ofearthly vanities ?. Who would in- terxaine lit ne,ifit fltould come alone,and appeare in it owne vgly and monlirous fhape,though now they willingly giue it the bell welcome, and lodge it in their hearts, becaufe it commeth difguifed,and (as it were)guilded ouer with this worldly beautie ? Who would bee1atSatansabfolutecom- mand to doe his will, without hope of any reward ; though D d tl 4 now
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