Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the irit e lo tbhichaeeontpa1y lsorldiv things, 777 thies ofthis hellifh Vulcan; whereupon he hammereth and forgeth his chaînes of tentations, wherewith beedraweth men into the pit of perdition, and his mortali darts, with which he woundeth them to eternal! death. Their are the miles wherewithhefaftnech the hearts ofcarnall men to the carth,fo as they can neuer lift them vp in any heauenly medi- tation. Thefe are the tempters choifefland bea approoued weapons, wherewith being armed, hee prefumed to en- counter our Sauiour Chrill,the eternal' fonneofGod : chu trsll Igiuethee,if thon *ilt fall delbse and cvorfhip one. Thcfe are his allurenaents,wherewirh he inticeth vs to fwallow- the deadly hookcs offinne,which are fo vglie and monftcous in theirowne nature,that we would no more eafily be perfwa- ded to fwallow them, then the fish the bare hooke, if the were not couered with thefe alluring baits, which arc fo pleating to our carnall appetites. Thclé are the woods and bufhes,wherein Satan laieth his fecret ambufhments, that he may fuddenly affaultvs and ouercome vs at vnawares,whom he could not vanquifh in a pitched batte!!; and the bootie Bafil.intra& which he inticeth vs to prey vpon to our deftruétion. In ldar.ebus feces word,as thefe worldly things are the tempters chief induce- ments to perfwade vs vnto finne; fo are they the initruments and meanes of wickedneffe, when wee are inticed to inter - Caine thefe euill motions.For by the helpe of thefe,prodigals Luke r s. r3.3o. maintaine their harlots, and themfeluesalloin their riotous 1 .Sawa,s.36. courfes;by thefe the glutton and epicure vphold their proud brauerie and delicious fare, and are inabled to paffe their Luke 16.19 . time in voluptuousand,carnall delights; with thefe are men armedfor any villanie, and are ftrengthened andborne out in tyrannie,crueltie, and oppreffion. All which happeneth not out of the nature of the things themfelues(as before I haue(hewed) but through thecorruption of choie who ha- uing them, doe abufe them, both as occafions and 'manes, inducements vnto, and helpes and furtherances of their wicked courtes. But let vs for the better electing of the former point,more §Se '7.13. fpecially confider of th ore inftances,honours, riches & plea- Tbat honours Pures, and (hewhow they feueeally are by the malice ofSa- espoirsacs ta tCntatiens. tan
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