Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
778 O f the (j irituafl ends which accompany lborldl things. tan andour corruption, prouocations vnto fume and the or- dinarie wages of impietie and wickednes. And firfi for ho- nours;Whofeeth not,that being immoderatly lourd and de.. fired,they lay men open to intertaine the tentations of the diuell, and make them willing to commit any outrage and wickedneffe, which feemeth to promife them any glorie or preferment? what fraud and difíïmulation will they fpare to vfe? whom will they not fupplant? what friend will they not betray ? what kinfinan, brother, or father will they re- fpeEi ? yea whole ruine will they not plot? and whole blood Genet; .5. will they not fpill,that they may obtaine their ambitious de- fires,and aduance themlelues to their affe6ied promotions? What was the caufe which mooned Adam to negle& the voyce ofhis Creator,and to hearken to the tempter, but his afpiring ambition which made him to Mien vnto Satan vp- on the ftrfi offer of honour, whenhee promifcd that they fhould be equall with God? What was the caufe of Gaines murther, Cerahsconfpiracie, Abimelech his cruell flaughter of his brethren; of Abfalons vnnaturall rebellion againfihis Num.a.t 7.18 loving father; of Balaams delire to haue curled Ifrael,ofHa- mans bloody plot to murther all the Iewes,ofNebuchadne- zers idolatry,and of Herods arrogancie,whereby he intitled hitnfelfe to Gods royalties? what but vaine glorie,& world - ly honours immoderatlyloued and delired ? $.Seîi.14 The like alfo may be faid of worldly riches,which being Moriches ouerualued and too much affe&led, become of Gods bid: make way for fings,Satans baits,wherewith he i nticeth men to fe/inta ten- the tentations rationsand fnares,andinta manyfeolifb and noifomelufls ,which ofthe diuell, droibne men in perdition ; for the defre ofmoney is the risate of alleuill,asthe Apofile fpeaketh.And hence it is that the Lord commandeth the Ifraelites to burne with fire the grauen images and idols of the heathen, and not to comet the Riser and Deut.7.zs. golf hat is on them, nor to take it vnto them, left they fhould be Ambro [Hared therewith. To which purpofe one faith, that there is a bono monis, fnire in gold,birdlime in filuer,intangiing nets and grins in cap. q.tom. y. lands and lord(hips :and therefore, that if wee too greedily cou°t gold,wee [hall be wrangled and choaked; if wee too eagerly recite filue, we Thall be catched in this lime ; if wee couctoufly
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