Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of theflfriritstall twill which accompanie worldly thing,. 779 couetoufly feaze vpon there large lordfhips,wee Thal( be in- tangled and infrared. And another exhorteth vs by al means to flee the immoderate loue of gold, as being a flattering traitor to our foules,the parent of fin ne,an d the diuels depu- Chilonem. tie to draw vs on into all wickedneffe. Yea fo deceitfull are thefe lnares that few efcape them; and fo thong they are to hold all whom they catch, that few who are once intangled in them can euer get freedome and deliuerance. And there- fore the tonne of Syrach maketh it one ofthe wonders ofthe world,to finde a man perfe6l in this trial!:Who(faith he)hath been tried thereby, and found perfect ? let him be an example o f ECC10f.3 glorie,&c. So that Saran, the great enemie ofour faluation, hath not much adoe to vanquifh and leade captiue veto all maner offin,thofe who let their hearts vpon there worldly riches,feeing to get the prey, they are readie of themfelues without his inrigation,to runne willingly into there fnares, and with all fpeede to preuent one another in catching of thefe baits,euen when the hooke of Gnne lying hid in them, is readie to choake them; rriuing who fhali doe moil dili- gent feruice to the prince of darkneffe,when he offereth for their reward the rich wages ofworldly wealth.Yéa andwhé they finde themfelues catched in there nets of perdition, by feeding on this pleating baite, fo farre are they from defi- ring,and vfing the meanes of their deliuerance,that they re- ioyce in their foares,and delire more and more to be intang led,as though they thought it a thraldome to be let at liber tie,and the greater freedome to be fo inthralled. For who feeth not by daily experience, that couetous men, like fifh 4uarut ante. about the baited hooke,rriue who fhall catch the choaking quanu lucretur, prey, not caring to bee taken, fo they may take it; to lore lucroobecitur; themfelues,for worldly gaine;and while, they may prey on auteguam capia- this baite of wealth,to maketheir foules a prey to that hellifh tur captut e(t. fifher,who fceketh to catch them on the hooke ofperdition? Whofeeth not that for the getting of wealth they are wit- lin" to omit all duties to God and man ; to neglect friends and kinred,to lie,diffemble,defraud, oppreffc,and what not, that by fpoiling others,they may increafe their owneflock? And as Satan now preuaileth by the helpe of this golden bait in
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