Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
78o O frbe #irirnall euilswhich accompany worldly thing:. in catching ofinnumerable foules in the fnares offinne, fo bath he euer done in former times; for herewith he allured "khan to theft, Gehezre to take the vntimely bribe, toGods difhonor, and his mailers cf fcredit; Achat to murtherand oppreilïon; Ananias and Sap hire to lie vnt o the holy Ghoft, to embrace the world, and leaue Chrifl,and fardas to betray his Lord and Mafler,and together with him h is owne foule. Euen as in our owne daies by the fame imam lieallu- reth Magiflrates to receiue bribes, andperuertiuflice; Mi- niflers to make fimoniacall contras, and to multiplie their linings, tajting all the care for the fleece,and nothing for the flocke; Lawyers do plead in bad caufes, and to oppofe the good; Officers to play theextortioners ; Land-lords to vfe cruelty and oppreffion;and Citizens to rob their neighbours by fraud and deceit. And that which is moll lamentable, he doch infnare in finne with this bait ofriches, not worldlings only, who make a god of gaine, but euen profeffors of reli- gion,who are readie oftentimes to (bailie their confciences, and (as it were) to fct them vpon the racke,for the inriching of themfelues with this Mammon of iniquitie. f, Se11.15. Finally, worldly pleafures immoderately loued, become Tbat pleafare, tentations and fnares to intangle vs in finne,and thofe fweet immoderately potions whichwith their pleatingdelight allure vs to drinke ¿oued become with them the deadly poyfon ofimpietie and wickedneffe. tentations aid With this inticino bait Satan perfwaded our firll parents to ÍHara' care the forbidden fruit, becaufe it was beauti full. to the eye: herewith he alluredthe formes ofGod to match in marriage with the daughters of men, when they faw that they were faire to looke vpon : with ithee inticed Lotto ioyne in neighbourhood with the wicked Sodomites, becaufe their countrey was pleafant and delightfull, and afterwards to commit thofe gricuous finnes of drunkennelfe and incefl : with this bait of pleafure he drew the people ofSodomand Gomorrah to vnnaturall filthines,and to fall into all manner Genaç.to.rt, ofabominations :with it he inticed the Ifraelites to commit whoredome with the Midianitifh women; Vaud to adul- terie and murther, and Salomon to fornication both corpo tall and fpirituall,And this is that bewitching allurement, whereby
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