Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

782 Of thefpiritualleuilslbhi th accompany srorld ,thing for the prefent vpon the'worlds alluringbaits :like herein to the fllie flies, which need no call toallure them to the honi- pot, nor force to thrufl them in, feeing they are readte to come of their owne accord,and to drowne themfelues,with. out any compulfrô of outward violence. But let vs who haue better hopes auoid their folly, & weane our affe6tions from this worldly dotage,which in the end wil bring deflrub }ion; for why fhould we be in loue with thete baits ofvanitie, fee- ing vnder them is hid the hooke of finne which will mortal- ly choake vs ?why fhould we with fuch care leek there Mares, which being found will but intangle vs, and make vs Satans prey? wly fhould we fo greedily fnatch and hold thefe prices king tho?hes, which when we haue them will pierce and woundvs? and fo eagerly catch this treble cord of vanitie,as Toone as Sacan dothbut cafi it out, that fo he might draw vs into helland defruEtion ?Let vs not therefore prey greedily on the fowlers baits,that we be notcatched in his fnares;and feeing there is no Cafetie or fecuritie vpon the earth, which is fill ofgrins & nets;let vs follow the example ofthe filly bird, which tnountcth aloft towards heauen, when fhe leech any clanger ofbeingcatched, thereby making frtifratethe fow. Prou.1.57. lers hopes; for as the Wife man Ipeaketh, in vaine is thenet Dread before al th.t hash wing, becaufe it is in their power to efcape by flight : and fo if we willefcape the manifold flares and nets which Satan and the world haue laid to catch vs,let -t3ot our hearts and affe6lions be fill groueling on the earth, Phliip.;.ao. 'but let vs mount aloft with the wings of faith and loue, and Colofí. ;.r. haue our conuerfation in heauen, minding and meditating vpon thofe furpaff ng ¡oyes, which are there referued for vs; and fo (hall we conremne thefe worldly things as bale vani- ties, in comparifon oftha t eternall and vnfpeakeable happi- Pfdhn nefie- and be freed from the danger of thefe flares: fo as Non wit an- pew nip ante with the Pfalmifl we may fing to the p mile ofGod:our foule to a ¡ca ozonic: iar fcaped,enen at a bird oat o f the fnare ofthe fowler,tbe fnare is Joni pedant pe- broken mid we are delivered. For there is no danger of the cis taqueoiplete loare ,ifwe negle&, or but lightly e(leeme of the baize, nei- can Satan that cunning fowlereuer catch vs in his nets, Srm.s .S. g vnlcffe er .t4.