Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the fpiritaall ealls which accompany worldly thingt. 783 vnleffe we floope when we heare his alluring call, and gree- dily hunger after that prey, which he hath purpofely fet out, thathe may prey vpon vs. The lafi fpirituall mill which thefe worldly things immo- 4.Secel.i6. derately lowed, do bring to thofe who fo affeel them, is, that Tbat wildly theyexpofe them to the beaniewrath ofGod, and his !care- thingsitnmode- full plagues and punifhments, in the day of his viftation:for rarrly¡oued ex- vvhen men haue fet their hearts and affebtions vpon thefe nfe men to P Gad,mrathand earthly vanities which are Gods due, and do rightly apper- beanie iugde- taine to him alone, and are by them made the feruants of fin, menu, and flaues of Satan, readie to perpetrate and commit any wickednes, which may helpe forward to the obtaining of there things whichthey fo much defire, and yet notwith- handing paffe their time in fecuritie,and reioyce in the frui. tion oftheirbeloued vanities, blefling themfelues in their s aine hopes,as though theyneeded no other fupplie of their wants,nor further helpe to be freed out ofdangers; then the Lordbeing zealous ofhis owne glorie, doth calk his .ven- geance to wax hot againfi them,and purfueth them with his judgements and plagues till he haue vtrerlydeffroyed them, . euen,when they leali fit(pe&any danger ofapproching euil:. fo the Lord thrcatneth worldly tnen,who woke all their de- light in earthly things, and in the fruition of them paffed their time in impenitencie and fecuritie, promifing vnto themfelues immunitie in time of danger, that hee Would gray a", Ia. fweepe away their vaine confidence, di fanull their couenant with death andagreement with he@, and that when the fcourge paf= fed owes, itJhould not enter-pad them, bar take them away, &c. And the Apofile defcribing the enemies of the croffe of .Chri(i,ioyneththefetogether, that they were fuch as didphilip:g.rg. mind earthly things, and had damnation for their end. How lit- tle therefore are we beholding to the world and worldly ofeculmmne- things, feeing their frienddhip and loue expofes vs to thequam,quodfolct wrathand anger ofGod; and by fatisfying our defines in the bums fermi es vt fruition o£fome!mall benefits, do make vs (whileft we too'dei facia, ini- much dote vpon them)liable to Gods greatefi iudgements, mice,.Bernard, . and mot} grieuouspunithments ?Bpi this wil yetmore plain- cpift.tor, lyappeare,ifwe further confider the fpecialL infiances, and firft
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