Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the / fiiritualleteit irohichaceoxpanyworidlyéhings.' 785 ofvifitation, and fitteth in his affizesto judge the earth? Of which fearefull vengeance executed vpon proud potentates we haue many examples, as in Pharaoh drowned in the redtt.Sam.ta.zf,, fea, in Coraband his confederates, f.vallowedaline by the earth, in Abimelech killed by a woman, Ablalonhanged by his owne haire,and Hamaa on his owne gallowes,A.h4liah, Nebuehadnezer, Herod,' and many others. And thus alto ri- cherbeing immoderately loued, do cicpofe thole who haue them to Gods wrath, and bring vpon them .his fearefull iudgements.So Zophar fpeaki ng ofthe covetous worldling, faith, that as he loath deuoured fnbilaace, fo he(hall vomit it a_ Iab io.ì 5'1 6. gaine ; for God 'hall draw it out of his belly: he fhall fiecke the gait ofaf»es, and thevipers tonguefhallflay him, &c. And the Pro- phet Efay denounceth a fearefull woe againti thetn,who ioy_ Efay f.a. sad houfe to hemp, and field to field, as though they would dwell alone vpon the earth : and the Prophet Habaeukl ikewife,woe lievnto him,(faith he) that conereth anemia couetoufneffe to his Habac.z.9.1o. bQuf , that he may fit his nes`f on high, to efcape the power-ofe- uiX.Fhou huff confultedjhame to thine done bouf ,by degroying runny people, and haft finned againif thine owne foule: for the ffone/hall crieout of the wall, andthe beanie of timber (hall an- fwereir. An example of which fearefull vengeance executed vpon the couetous we haue in Achim, who was- deflroyed with all his Familie; in $akram,who wasflaine with the Ma- dianites, foraf£e6uing the-reward of-iniquitie. In Gebezi, who together with all his polleritie were fnitten with le- profie. In Tyre,who had heapedvp'Ghser as duff, and gold as the mire in the fireets, whô the Lord threatnethhtofpoile ofZach,9 .4 al her wealth,and to confume her with fire,though the were enuironedwith thefea,and wanted no water to quench it. The like alto may be Paid of voluptuous pleafures, which makeva liable to Gods wrath and vengeance, when we fet our hartsvpon them,and take more care to pleafe our (clues, then to pleafe God. And thus the Lord punifhed that de- light which ourfirfiparents tookein eating oftheforbidden fruit, with the loffeofParadzfe, and that which was worfe, with the lofie of his favour; Noahs drunkenneffe with the fcorne and contempt of his tonnes ; Lotsinccft with a curled E e e poleritie,
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