Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
7H6 worldly things hinder mi fromattainingheauélyioyes. poflerity, the Sodomites fulneffe and filthineffe;with fire and brimflone from heauen. And Lots wife for looking backe,with a delreto inioy thofe pleafures offinfvll Sodom, 4i,or Lot re. was turned into a pillar of fait, that fhe might (as one faith) fpeair,& vbi feafon vs with her example, and keepe vs from lulling of refpe,n,ibire. ter there worldly vanities. And thus the whole t ibeofBen_ ma íit.tit Mon Limn t.t rnalmofltvele utterlydeflroyedfornotpunifhingthea- prwdentrs con- bominable vncleanneffe of fome few among them. And e.. diret evemplo. urnDausihimfelfe loft thatdelight which hee had taken in Auuß. Senn. his vnlawfull lull, with the fling ofconfcience,apprehenfion ofGods wrath, and by his owne formes fhamefull abufing ofhis concubines in the light of the people. Which iudäe_ mentsand punifhments ifanyefcape in this life (as they lei.. dome doe, becaufe voluptuous picafures doe aimollalt.saies bring their punifhment with them) yetthey (hall moll lure ly be ouertaken with Gods plagues in the life to come: ac- cording to that of the wife Preacher :R,eioyce ô Yong man lu Ex9lcf.t.t.9. thy youth,and let thy heart cheere theein the dares of thy youth, and walke in the mates of thine heart, and rn the fight of thine yyes ; but knew that for Chef things cats-oil brirg thee to iudgement. CHAP: XXXV..: Of theester/agingculls whichworldly things immoderate. ly lotted, do bring to tho[c who hams them.. Nd thus haue I (hewed the temporal milli both ciuill and fpirituall, which doe ac companie there worldly things, when they are ouerualued aboue their worth,, and immoderately afe6led and defired. It now followeth that wee intreate brief - ly ofthofewhich are in the life to come. For well were it with worldlings, if the earthly things which they immoderately loue, were onely hurtful' to their foulesand bodies whiicfl they continue here; for then they might let . theirtemporal' gaineagainfl their temporal' loffc, and baue their § Selbb That worldly thines immo- derately laved binder vs from attaining the ioyos of Gods kingbolt.
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