Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
That worldly thingshinder nsi from attaining beauélyioyes.787 their hurts counteruailed (at leafl in their opinion) by their profit and benefit. But this maketh their of +ate moll mifera- bl e, in that theirworldly delightsand comforts,arc but mo- mentanie and of fhort continuance; and the euils and pu- nifhmeiits vnto which they haue made themfelues liable,ei- therby their wicked getting or abufing them, (hall be end - leffe an& euetlalling. For as the wounds of the body are !bone made,andlong in curing; fo thefe fores of fin which attend vpon the euill getting or keeping of earthly vanities, are made in a moment, but when they are rnade,theyare ne- uer cured, vnieIl'e in this life we applie vnto them the preci.. .ous baifum of Chrilcs blood, and wafh theft fpiri:uali wounds with the teams and water oftrue repentance. Now thefe coils which they bring in reape& of the life to come, are either privatiue or pofriue.'The privatiue euill which thofe worldly things immoderately loucd bring, is that they depriueand hinder thofe who fet their hearts vpon them, of the eternal! ioyes of heauen. For the Pfalmifl,enquiring of the diuine'Oracle of truth : who (hallafcendinto the mountain pfil ofthe Lord; mambo his holy place; receiueth this an (were :he that herb innocent hands, and a pure heart, which bath not ltftvp his mind vnto vamtie, nor fworne deceitfully. And theApo(lle fpcaking of thofe who are effe&ually called to the fruitionof thofe ioyes, faith, that not many wife men t.Corasósy. after the fiefh, not many mighty ,not many noble are called;but God hatbchefenshefeokh things of the World to confound the Wfe, and god bath chafes the weaketbings of t heworld, to con- found themighty things:; and vile Things of the ta orld,andthings Which are defpifed bath God chofen,and things which are not, to bring to nought thins that are.. And in another place bee tel- leth vs, that he who foWeth tot hefiefb, sill of hic f t h reape cor - Gx1;6,6. ruption; eue,,as centrariorife, he that foweth to the fpirit, (ball of thefpirit reapelife euerlallin.So that commonly thofe whom the world refufeth, God chufeth,whom it difgraceth;he ho- noureth; and contrariwile,they whom the world magnifi.. eth, thofe the Lord dcfpifeth, whom it imbraceth,thofe.he +reie ð.And hard it is and euen impoflible, tharour hearts 1tou1dbe fixed on the world,and yet our foules inherit eter- ee s naIl
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