Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
748 That worldly things hindermost fa attaining heaaély rey nail happine(fe, that we fhould haue our conuerfation in the world as citizens of the earth, and yet hold fuee our inhcri. MarkA.r, tance in Godskingdome. And therefore as fome thinke,our Sauiour before he would glue his difciples fome final Blimps of that heauenly glory in his transñguration, fir!} withdrew them apart veto mount. Thabor, feparating and diuidingg them as it were fromthe world, to teach vs typically this lcf< fon, that bee who will e.uer, hope to fee and enioy eternal glory, mutt fit!! draw his affc &ions from the world, and haue their conuerfation in heaucn,.feeking thofe things which are aboue,and railing his meditations into themoue_ tame of Gods holineffe. To this purpofe one exhorteth vs to weane our.affe &ions from -the loue of theft worldly vani- ties, becaufe if our heartsbee fixes4, vnto them, they will de. priuc vs ofeuerlafling glory: Learne to contemne(faith he) inrcr.domo thofe things whileft thou art aline, which thou canffnot e +P4S _ haue after thou act dead. For it is hard, yea altogether fin. poflible, that a man fhould with- immoderate loue enioy thefe temporal! good things,and thofe that areeternall,that . he fhould here glut his appetite,and there hauehis foule fa. tisfied with heauenly ioyes, and fo paffe from one delight to another,and appeare glorious both in earth and heauen,&c. feeingthe mote we are delighted with earthly vanities,the more are we feparated from-eternal! glory.. S4.2. Now ifwe wouldknow the reafa s why both thefe can- The re4ona hy not fraud togexher,and why we cannot let our hearts vpon wee cannot the things ofthe worldwhile flwecontinue with them,and greatly afterwards inherit heauenly happineffe; they are eallyren. and.beauenty; dred : for firfl,thofe who too much affe& thefe earthly thing, things,they too little.regard,or vtterly contemne that eter. nail glory in the life to come; if they be in loue -with the flefh pots of Egypt, they will neuer trauell cheerefully.towards the land of pronnife; if with Ejau they-more cfieeme their portage then-their patrimonie, they wil take no greatpaines to be aflitred ofit,or fel al their title and interet which they haue in it at the bale!+ prizes; if they can be consent with the prvdigall tonne to feed on the huskes of worldly vanities, among the filthie fwine, fo long as they can haue plentie of thcmy,
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