Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That marldly things binder Poi" from attaining he.w 'y isyes.791 whilefl they haue them, and flanding firmely in their pati- ence, and well contented in their minds, when they are ta- ken away. Firally,as thefe worldly things immoderately lotted, doe 4.Set7.3. hinder men from feeking after the heauenly ioyes of Gods That the Lord kingdonte,fo doe they moue the Lord to reflraine his boun not glut tifuil hand, from giving and bellowing them. For he onely the beakeo¡e giueth his belt gifts to thofewhobell eficerne them,and be- who more e- lloweth his benefits vpon them alone who doe feeke and fue (ieeme earthty for them, feting thofe only who fede their owne want, and ¡rifles. acknewledge the incomparable worth of theft rich gifts,wil euer be truely thankfull for them. Now who that is wife a- mong men would bellow his greateft benefits where hee is Pure to receiue the leafl thanks? Who would giuegiftsof value, to thole who cannot value thetn,but preferre cuery bale trifle aboue them, in their fooli{h etlimation? Who would beflow a rich diamond on him, who moreefleemeth ola painted glaffe; or a piece ofgold on fuch an one as more highly valueth a fhining counter ? Who would make him his heire to a goodly inheritance,who preferrethbefore it,e- uen inhis ripefl iudgement, atop and fcourge, or Tome fuch childifh vanity? or make him lord ofhis !ailinglabours,who taketh more delight in a butterflie,or a brittle fopie bubble? And do wee thinke the Lord leffe wife then man, that hee fhould bellow thofe eternall treafures vpon thofe who con - temne them,preferring before them euery childifh trifle,and worldly vanitie ? will hee giue his chiefe jewels ro thole who doe not know how to value them? and make them heires of an eternall kingdomc, who more highly efleeme, and deerely loue, and earnellly delire, and painefully feeke thefe earthly trifles,which are as contemptible in their worth,as momentanie and vncertaine in their continuance? no no affuredly ; thefe prophane Efaas mull not haue the birthright and biding, who following their carnali appe- tite doe preferre before it a metre of pottage; thefe carnal! Ifraelites who more eileeme worldly bondage, then the glorious liberty ofthe formes of God, and the flefhpots of Egypt, more then the fruitful! Canaan, (hall perifh in this E c 1. earthly