Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

79 a hatworldl ythingshiniermenfróatta ;niw(rhe4uetrlieiet; earthly wildernes,and neuer enter into the holy laud. Thefe fonnes of e.fdam,who loue an Apple better then their Crea. tor,and caremore for the prefect to pleafe their licorous pal- let, and carnal appetite, then for thofe ioyes which are vn- fpeakeable and eternal', Thal I neuer (without fèrious repen- tance) be thought fic inhabitants for the heauenly paradife. Luke 17. 35. They who with the wife of Lot, looke backeto this Sodom of finne,which by Gods determinate fcntence,is dellinated to fire and brim(tone, delighting more in thofe plea Cures of vanitie, then in God; gracious deliueran,e, (hall be made fearefull examples of his beanie judgements, and pillars or hailing monuments, to giue others warning, that they bee more wife in their choice. For as our Sautour Chrilt hach Luke 94s. taught vs ; Na man that putteth his hand to the plough, and looketh back,is apt and fit for the Kingdom ofGod, and they Stt4.a6, who will not forfake alito follow him, yea, hate father and attother,tbífe and children, brethren and ftíers, and theiroxne lire alto, when they come in comparifon with the loue of Chrifl,and his holy Father, he will neuer thinke them wor- thie to be his difciples, to follow him in theKingdome of grace, and much le(fe as coheires to raigue together with him in the Kingdome ofglory. §.Seîi.q.. But let vs defcend from the generali to the fpecia'l inflan. That earthly ces. And &ft for honours, and the vaine glory of the world, boaeurs hinder what greater impediment can there be then they,to hinder shafe,whe(et any from attaining the eternal' glory of Gods Kingdome, the" huruon when being inio ed ordefired,the are ouerualued and too tbcntfar acted- 1; Y Y rung beauenty much loued and affe6ted ? For (as I haue (hewed)they make jlorito men the readie inflrumentc ofany fin(whereby a prefent for- feiture is made ofourheauenly inheritance) for the getting or prcferumg of their honor & aduancement. They willing- ly negle& the chiefe priutiedges and perogatiues ofthe fops ofGod,and onelyplotand take rallies in afpiring to their ambitious ends. They are apt to defpife the exercifes of re- ligion,and to contemne the means of their 1aluation,as pub. like prayer,and theminiflery ofthe word, as bettet befitting the vulgarpeople, then fuch as they, who are fo highly ad- uancedaboue the Common fort.. Or ifthcy hare the word, they