Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That worldly things hind fró attaining heauen y ioiei. y93 they will not regard the threatningsof Gods iudgements against finne, nor floope to take vpon them theyoke of Iefrts Chrilt,fubmitting themfelues to be guided and ruled by his ordinance, as being athing too bate, for their honour and greatneff :. Finally, they Borne to goe in that oneiy way, which leadedito eternal! hfe and ha; pine&; but chufebv- waies oftheir owne,as though they di (darned to gocto heá_ uen in vulgar company,or to be faued after a common fafhi- on. For the Lordhath appointed, that all who defire to at mine unto heauenly happineffe,flrould take paines,i n trauel- ling thenarrow and affhaed way,and in entring the low and Matth.1.r3.14. Limit gate that leadeth to life; but they refufè this difficult courfe,and chufe the broad way of cafe and libertie, if not licentioufneffe. Our Sauiour hash told them,that they who will find ref? to their fouler, muttfloope to take his yoke vpon math./ .ag. them, and learne to imitate hisexample,who was meeke and lowly in heart ; whereas they thinke to come to the glory of his Kingdome, by that gloriousway, in which ambitious pridebath fet them, carrying their heads onhigh, and wal- king withftretched out necks; and that which is worfe,with hearts fwollen with pride,and tul ofvaine glory,and haugh- tie infolence. So elfewhere he teacheth them,that to fuck as are like voto little children beíoirgeth the Krngdome of ilcaiven: Matth.19.144 and yet moreplaincly, that except thofe who arc highmin- ded and ambitious bee concerted, and become ae little children (namely, in meekeneffe andhumilitte) they 17a11 neuer enter into the Kngdss a of beanoe; and contrariwvife, ivhofoewer !hall iNmble himfel feas a little child, the fame is the great,Ft in the Kingdome of Heauen. Thus alto he faith, that be who ex- altethhimrelfeJhal1bebrought low, and he that humbleth him- tnfelfxpror- felfe !halite exalted. Foohf h therefore is ambition, which e- fusambitio tier afpireth to rife,andalwaies negleb erh the means of ti- gxa ambire fing tothe chicle preferments; but when it mounteth to the n Ñna non clouds,and defirethmolt to touch the heauens, euen then it do modico ere f is molt deiesled, one foot flill holding poffeffion of hell in are & de ma thebehalfe of the whole body : and vnhappie (as one faith) xime minus. is the ambitious man, which knoweth not how to compaffe erns ä9 e the greatcfl things,but feeketh to waxe great by final trifles, clam. and