Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
.tl 794 That worldly things hinder ï fré attaining beaneniy joie, and to be onely little in that which is greatneffe, and molt defirable. For whereas it is the onely way to true greatneffe and glory,tobe humble and lowly in a mans owne eies, be- caufe (as our Sauiour hath taught vs) cuen Publicans and Matth.u.; r. (inners (hall enter fooner into Gods Kingdome, thenproud Pharifies,though they be neuer fo muchmagnified amon a men; they labour to aduance themfelues voto honours, by pride and ambitious afpiring, which when they haue them, are fence worth their labour: as if whenKingdomesand trueMonarchies were offered, and in dealing to chofe who would heartily deliire and Cue for them; men fhould utterly negle& there chiefepreferments,andcontend one with ano- ther, who for an houre fhould be King in aplay. But if wee would auoid this follie, and not bee ouercaken with this worldly dotage, let vs labour to attaine thole chiefeprefer - ments,and heauenly glory,by going in that way ofhumilitie which Chriff hath fira traced before vs : and as thofe, who raife the higheul building, do fire: lay the lowef} and dee- pea foundation, or elfe it will Toone finke,and come to ru- ine; fo if we meane to become Cuch temples, as are fit for God eternally todwelin,letvsbegin our building on the low foundation of httmilitie. For though our countrie bee .Qnifquis eupit high, and fituate on the mountaine of Gods holineffe, yet dtutnitautte- the way that leadeth to it, is low and humble; and there- nere veft:gia fore let vs not foolifhly refufe the way, if we thinke to come feaaeraatts iaa to the end of our journey, nor thinketo leape from the hill Ambrof ferm. ofpride, to the hill ofglorie, which is impolfble, in refpe& 19. tom.;. oftheir great diflance; butlet vs firfI defcend into the valley ofhumilitie,that afterwards wcmay afcend into the moun- taine ofglorie. 4.Se11.5. Thus alto riches immoderately loued are notable impedi- That earn, , ments in our fpirituall iourney,and a chicle wines, and (as richer hinder it were) a beanie clog to keepe vs from afcending into thofe men from acct:- heauenly ioies. So our Sauiour Chrifl faith vino his Difci- ntn,, ea erlafhng pl es, Verily I ra y unto yen,that a rich m.tnihallhardlyenter into trea/ures. the KinodomeofHeaney. Yea and if they tru ('r and let their march. a9.x ;.xaheartsuponthem,he of irmeth,thatititeager for acamell to, gee through them ofan needle,then for a rich man to enter into the
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