Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That worldly things hinder »1;14 at mining heaveny1pies. 797 king any fpeed,and tire them before they can come to the end. And as tholewho haue fhooes farce roo wide for their feete, or garments; which being farre too fide, traileon the Chryfol.hom; ground, are altogether vnfit to trauell along iourticy; fe7.depamten.. thole who haue fuperfluous riches;and much more then is fit for their place and calling,are asrnuch hindred in their jour- ney, which fhould bring them vntoheauen. In regard of which impoflìbility,for thofe which haue fet theirhearts vp- on.riches, to amine vnto eternal! happineffe, our Saviour Chriflpronounceththat fearefull wive againli them ; Woe be Luke ó44;. vnroyou that ore rich,for ye have reeerased your confolation.For. in truth what greater mifery can befallaman, then to gaine gold and lofe his God ? to haue great poffeffions on earth; by making forfeiture of his heauenly patrimony ? to abound with thefe temporary rreafures,whi ch are fubiea ro fomany. cafualties, and lure to bee taken away by death, by making, - fair ofthofe euerlafling riches andvnfpeakeableioies,whieh- Chrifl by his precious bloodfhedhachpurchafed for vs? And therefore let vs, as our Sauiour exhortethvs, malLe.vsLuk.t64, friends oft he riches ofiniyvitte,.t hat when ivefballn'ant,ue may be received intoeuerlaJ1ing. habitations. Let vslike.wifemer- chants failing in this worldly. fe; call our goods upon the face of the watcrs,being indangered in thefeboiflerous tem- pefls,that fo we may fane ourowne liues,and arrive fate at the hauen ofhappineffe, left the curie of Simon cAdatgue doe Math :nap. light upon vs,thy money peri/lh with thee. Efpecially confide. ring,thac whereas that Both perifh which they.caflaway, ours thus bellowed on- charitable vies, Thail bee reflored' when we come to our iourneies end an hundred fold,as our Sauteur bath promifed. Let vs lay afide our golden fetter; and Beare- bought clogs, feeing we are. to run the fpirituall racefor the crowue ofglory; and not fomuch confider their Bernard Sertt9, . collly prizes,andworldly value,as how much they hinder vs in Prou.;.a q. . in afcending into our heauenly countrie : and let vs.noting. tangle our fillies with this lime offuperfuitie, but only haue fo much vie ofthefe earthlythings, as is requifitfor our.pre- ferrt neceflìties..Let vs call away thefe fuperfluousburthens, Which being.kept,way wake vsca&awaiesa and doe that for the;: