Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
798 That worldly thing: binder'nen fro attaining heatei77 lays. the feare ofGod,which wife Merchants doe for feare of the fea,and bee as readie to leave cur vnprofitable load ofriches for the fafegard of our foules, as they are for the preferuing oftheir momentanie hues. And let vs nor goe flooping and groaning vnder this vnfupportable waight, and be hindred thereby from finning with ioy our iourneyvnto our owne countrcy; teeing we mayhaue the poore to help vs,and cafe vs of our load.For if we cannot,being ouerburthened, travel far on even ground; how much more vnable (hall wa e be to mount vp therewith vnto the hie mountains of Gods hob - nefle ?Ifwe cannot runne an earthly race being hindred with fuch clogs; how much lelfc (hall we be able to runne the fpi- ritual! race that leadeth to heaven, when our hearts are op- preffcd with this worldly waight? :4.Sta.6. Finally, voluptuous pleafures, and even thole delights That tarthlyde- which be lawfull in themfelues, are,being immodcratly lo- lights binder vs ued,notable hindrances ofour heavenly happineffe.For they frovsattavnwg who fez their hearts ott the vaine pleafures of theworld ,haue [arts ütrea no affeìtion to -the pleafures which are at Gods right hand for cuermore. They who take their felicitie in carnal' de- lights,negleóèand contemne -the euerlafling ioyes which are referued in Gods kingdome,-vfing all wicked and vnlawfull meanes, for the compatfing of their voluptuous pleafures, though they make hereby a forfeiture ofeteroall gloric;and arelefly, yea fometime malirioufly, neg eéling all meanes wherebythey may be affured of the faluactó of their foules, and of the fruition of thofè heavenly ioyes, becaufe they efleeme them-not in comparifon of their worldly delights. Or ifthey haue any purpofe ofgoing in the way which lea- deth to happinefl'e, they are-notable; for being pampered with pleafures, they are too purfie to trauell in this weari- fome pilgrimage.And ifbyforcible reafons and perfualions, they are moved to fee forward in this journey, they are pre - fentlydifcouraged-; for being wholly addibled to cafe and delight, they will neuer indure the ffrait,rough, and vn- pleafant way which is fall of the rhornes ofafliielions, and briarsoftribulations; but will prefently with Lots-wife look .back to their de'lightfull Sodomc, with a dcfirc to enioy again
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