Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
That Yierld/y things imcreafi ourlai? reekeaing. 799 again there pleafures offrnnc, though they lati but for a fea- fon. Befides,the Ldrd will not glue thischief jewel' of eter- nail happineffe to there voluptuous wantons, nor caf+ this precious pearle before there filthie fwine,who taking al their delight to wallow in the puddle ofiniquitie, will not flicke contemptuoufly to tread it under their dlthie feete. And therefore what poffibilitie is there of their faluation, teeing, they are neither willing, norable, to feeke after this eternali happineffe; nor the Lord willing to giue it without feeking;: to fuch idle or-skorneful fluggards as doe not think it worth their paines?And thus it appcareth that thefe worldly things immoderatly lourd, are notableimpediments to kinder vs from the attaining ofeternal life,and thofe euerlafiing ioyes of Gods kingdome. The. confideraton whereof fhould weane our hearts from there worthletfe, and (through our corruption) harmcfitll vanities,that we may the better fettle them on the meanes, whereby wee may be affured ofthofe hcauenly excellencies:and feeing t hen they are fallned,and. as it were glued vnto.vs. with carnali loue, they hinder v3 from attaining veto this.eternall happineffe ; let vs either hold thefe things with filch contempt and careleffere tpeel, that wee may with cafe lay them afde,ss hen wee fnde that they hinder vs in our tourney towards our heauenly coun- trey : or if they offer to take faller hold, and to intangle vs in-the litares offinne, fo as wee cannot goe forward in our courle ofgodlineffe; let vs,as theApofile exhorteth vs, caf6 away emery thing that prefeth downe,and the (nnethat hangeth Hebrs fofafl on, and let rime with patience the racethat is fet be- fore vs,t hat we mly obtaine the crowne ofglorie : for if emerry . man that proouethmafleries abffaineth from all things ,which might hinder him; -doing all this- to obtain a corruptible s.Cor.9s.t. . crowne; how much more fhould we follow the like praelife, to obtaine that glorious crowne of blef edneffe,which is.wt.. corruptible? And if,as our Sauiourhrifi bath taught vs, we mutt pluck out our right eye, and cut off our righthand and foote ,ifthey offend vs,andbycaufing vs to fall itttotn, doe hinder vs in that Chrif ian course, which would bring .vs, to , eternal' happineffe.; becaufe it is better to enter into euerla... fling:
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