Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Soo Tant worldly things increafe our la/f reckoning. Matth.te.8.9 fling life halt, ormaimed, or with one eye,then having two hands, two fcete, and two eyes,to be call into euerlatling fire; then how much rather fhouid wee part willingly with there worldlyriches,pleafures,and pref rmcnts,when by vii. lawful! getting,or keeping them, they will call vs into hell, and for euer depriuevs of the ioyes of heauen ? for better it is to enter into there neuer ending ioyes, poore,contemp- tible,afflic ted,and full offorrowes,then hauing abounded in riches,glorie,and carnal-pieafures,to be afterwards throwne headlong, into thofe hellifh torments, and vnquenchable flames. §.Se¿1,7, Secondly,the more we abound with there earthly things That the more in this life, the greaten (hall be our reckoning in the life to we abound with come; the greater- alfofhall be their puni (hment, who are worldly things, not able to yeeld a Ma accountto our great Lord and Ma- thegreater fhaufier at this lati audit,ifthey haue not by faith and repentance be ourreced whileflthe continued here, gotten a general! acquittance ftingattheday y of iudgement. focal }that wherein they comefhort in this their-reckoning. For according to the number of thofe talents which haue been committed vnto vs by God, the Lord will require a proportionable increafe; and the more gifts wehaue.recei. ued from him, the more glorie hee expect eth from vs; the greater his benefits haue 'been which .hehath bellowed on vs in this world;thc greater loue,thankfulnes,andobedience will he requireat ourftands.Sothat then it will not ferue the turne,that wee returnevnto our Lord andMafier the gaine of one ortwo talents, ifwec haue recciued flue; or ten; but -they who haue receiued fiue, muff with them gaine other 'fine ; and they who haue receiued ten,muft increafe them to -ten more,ifeuer they meane to kteare that fweete and com- Mstth:s5 :, fortablefaying;Well done goodandfaithfullferesant,thaubaft -been faithfull inlittle, l will make thee reeler over macb,enter to thy maflerrioy.O then whata terrible day will this be to ,' .Ruiplrrrim :ha :thofewho cannot make euen their accounts,noryeeld an betpauper eft. .anfwerablc increafe to their great-Lord andMafier,when in .carerquia de- theprefence Of his Saints and Angels, he (hall call them 'be- b t..Quantum -fore himto glue a reckoning? what a day of trembling and prgu:rte : feare will thisbe to thofe vn rofitable.feruants who .haue irdi- P ' hid