Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
go l That worldly things increnl our 14 reckoniug, more then others, while(1 as precedents of godlineffe and righteoufiteffe, they draw on all theirinferiours toaChri- fl:jan imitation. Finally, they haue been aduanced by God to power and authoritie,that they might in his place,and as his deputies, rule their inferiours, euen as the Lord himfelfe would rule, if hee were vpon the earrh,countenancingthe good, anddifcouraging the euill,rewarding vertue,and pu- nifhing vice, defending theinnocent, and fupprefïing thofe who are vniufl and injurious, patronizing and maintaining kith ce,and difcountenancing vniuflice,and finne. Of which the further olfthey haue been from yeelding any reckoning in this life, the more (trait account will the Lord take of them in the life to come. And therefore if they haue not only failed in all their duties, but wilfully negle6ted them, and vfed all their credit and power to quite contrariepurpofes; as for cxample,if hauing been honoured by God, they haue cliflionoured him, contemning his feruice themfelues, and hindring others who would haueperformed it; ifthey haue skorned religion, and made but a ici of godlineffe; if they hauemade no confcience of (wearing and forfwearing,cur- fmgand blafpheming ; and fpent all their lines in riotous and voluptuous lining;ifthey haue not onlythemfelues thus of- fended God,but haue made their faults fcandalous,and their faunes exemplarie, drawing on their inferiours to the imita- tion of their wickedneffe : If being in the place of God they haue ruled and governed, as the diuell himfelfe woulddoe ifhee were in a humane fhape, difcountenancingthofe who are good, and incouraging thofe who are euill, punifhing vertue, and rewarding vice, defending the faultie, and fup- planting the innocent, and either for favour, friends; re- wards,or refpe6t ofperfons, vpholding iniuffice and oppref- fion, and overthrowing jut] ice and right; then (hall they haue a moll fearefullreckoning to make at the day ofiudge- mein, and wiflt rather that they had hued in reproch and contempt, then that hauing had all thefe honours and pre. ferments, they fhould bee brought tofuch a dreadful' ac- count. And thus they who haue moli abounded in riches, fßAilhaue alto their reckoning hereby much increafed; for- the.
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