Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
That'ihrldly thingsincre .efe ourlaffreckoning. So the Lord bath bellowed vpon men there talents, not that they fhould keepthem hid in a napkin, but that they fhould put them out to profit and aduantage ; as when they imploy them to the glorie of God, in furthering the means of his worlhip and feruice, in relieuing the poore members of Je- lin Chrill,and in performing the workes of mercie and cha- titic. And therefore in what afearefull efface (hall they be at this day, who haue vtterly negle&ed thefe religious and Chriflian vies; andcontrariwife have abufed their riches, by either fpending them vpon their owne lulls, in belly cheare, and bratterie, or imploying them as helpes to hinder Gods worfhip,andto oppreffe and iniure the poore with all crud - tie and tyrannie? Finally, what a fearefull reckoning haue they to make, who haue (pent the greate(l part of their hues in voluptuous pleafures,as though they had quite forgotten the end wherefore they came into the world; as infurfer- Ling and drurikennes,chambring and wantonneffe, gaming and reuelling,playing and (porting; not carin 'gto take any wicked courfefor thecompafïìng of their pleafures, nor ma- king confcience ofany delight, whether it be lawfull or vn- lawfull,fo it may pleafe theircarnall appetite.O what reward can thefe men expe&i in this day of the Lord, when their owne confciences (hall tell them, that they haue fpent all their lines in the feruice oft nne and Satan, and in fulfilling the lulls oftheirowne flefh? What account will they the make to their fudge, when being demanded howthey haue fpent their precious time, their flrength, and wealth, which in plentiful' manner they had receiued at the hands ofGod, they fhall be able to make no-other anfwer, but that they haue confumed them all in voluptuous vanities, and vtterly negleéled the Certi ice of their Creator and continuall prefer - uer; fpending all their dales either in idlenes, or luxuriouf- nes,and wantonnes,which they fhould haue bellowed in glorifying God, and in getting affurance of the i r ownefal- uation ; wafting theirflrength in obeying their flefhly lulls, which fhould haue beenimployed in doing feruice to'their Maker and Redeemer; and bellowing all their riches in fu- F f £ a perfluous
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