Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

*04 That wodaily things Alfa encreafecondemnation. perfluous delights, fuffcring the Poore to flame for want of bread to feed them, and of clothes to couer their naked - nelfe. §4see49, Lalily, as the abundance ofthcfe worldly things) abufed That worldly through immoderate lone,increafeth the reckoning of chofe tbingcimm.ede, who haue had them, they alto increafe their punifh, rattlyloucd,n- rnents and hellifh condemnation, when as theyare altoge, creafetbe,rcnn- thervnabla tofet flraight their reckoning, being called to demnnti(e glue their accoñtbefore their lud a For it is iufi with God tQusgbttfetbë,b g , that thole who in this life haue abufed the greatefi profperi- tie, Mould in the life to come endure the greateflmiferie:_ that they;who are mofi,deepely indebted to Gods bountie for his benefts,fhould haue the firaitefiimprifonmenr,when hawing riotoufly and vnthankfully fpent the Lords.talents, they haue nothing to pay : that they who haue moti difho. nored God in his owne gifts,lhould proportionablie receiue the greatefimeafure ofpunifhment: and finally, that they who hauing receiucd the moil liberaiwages haue performed worfiferuice, íhould be beaten with mofihiripes. So that at this day the abundance of thefe worldly things (hall be but as it were the greater pile of wood, which being let on fire with the flame of Gods burningwrath, fhall eternally con. /lime them who haucthus vnthankfully abufed them; and their burning concupifcence after thefe earthly vanities,(hat but increafe the furiousheate of thofe hellifh flames, which (hall torment them with tortures that are intollerable, and yet eudleffe and euerlafiing.So the greater honors men haue had in earth, the greater then (hall be theirfhameand con - fufion, ignominie and reproch, if they haue abufed them to Wifyi.f.6.7.8..the difhonor of God, and oppreflion ofhis feruants; for the miQhtie Jhad be miestily tormented: And he who is Lord otters!: will fpareno perfon,neit her /haI be feare any greatxes, for he bath made the fmill and great, and Gareth for all alike; hut for the Gee or.Mo- mtghtieabideththe f rertriall.-To -which purpofe one faith, a4,0.6.cap.4thaç the, higher a wicked man lining in hit fumes is exalted, the more fearefully (hall he be ouerwhelmed with grieuous ptuallimens;for when thatwhich aduanced him is vanifhedp that