Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
That worldly t hing abu fed enereafe cetlde»)Atia't. 805 that remaineth which is punifhed.He who is without defect honored in the way,fhal be damned in the end of his iorney; and he who commech to dcflru&ion bythe profperitie of this prefent life, paffeth as itwere by fweet meadowes, into the dungeon oft'.arkneffe, or place of execution. Thus alto Luke v.x+. thofe who haue abounded with abufed riches, (hall in the world to come exceed in punifluuent; and therefore our Saviour pronounceth a woe againfl them, becaufe alrea- die in this world they had receiued all theirconfolation: and the Apofile prophecying orthis future mifcric,faith; qo canes co you rich men; lbeepe and bowie, foryourmifertes that Ad come vpon you : your r:che:ar; corrupt, andyoargarenentsare motheaten: ycargo %land filter it cankered,and the rug of them Jball ben witnefJeagain flyou, and fha /l eateyour fle/h at it were fire :you harm h :apedvp treafure for the /aft Styes. Behold the hire of the labourer: winch bane reaped your field,. (which is of 7 ou kept Backe ñy fraud) crieth, and the crier of them which bane reaped, are entred into the wet ofthe Lord of braes : yee bane hued inpleafare on the earth and ix wantonnerive haste nourifh_ edyour heart; al in a day of flaughter. So that the greater ri- ches, the greater torments, if either they haue been vniuflly gotten, or ill kept; in which refpedl well may they be called chornes,which not only in this lifepricke thofe that hold them, wound them with tentations, and pierce them thereto with many forowes;but alto in the life to come ferue as thorns to kindlethe fire ofhell, and to make it burne with greater heate and furie. Which that we may preuent, let vs follow the cou n fell of the Sonne ofSyrach ; Lofe (faith he) or forgoEcclefiaflicua thy money, for thy brothers and neighbours fake, andlet it not 19.50. ruff vnder aflame to thy defíruflion .Finally, thofe who haue fpent their hues in vnlawfull pleafures, or haue abufed thole which arc lawfull, through their immoderation and exccffe, either in their delights, or intheir loue, fhallhaue their for - rowes and tormentsthe more increafcd at the day of Gods appearing to iudge the quicke and dead.In which refpeéì our Sauiour pronounceth afearefull woe againfl voluptuous worldlings; woe bewoolen (faith he) that arefoil, foryeAnil Luke 6 tf. Fff 3 hunger;
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