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8 t o That lire are in the rrorldpilgrians and'. they confe1fed that they were firanger: and pil{rrims on the earth. Hab.x3.r4. So the Apot}le faith in the name ofall the faints, shat they had here no continuing city, but that they fought one to come. And more efpecially hee faith of Abraham the farher of the faithful!, that he abode in the land of promife as ina ¡Irange Hcb.x t.9. countrte,R.r one that dwelt in tent: with l fails and lácob, ¿e res iVirb him of the famepronifC . Thus lace&both ih the behalfe Ceo.47.9 of bimfelfe and his anceflors callcth the daies of their liucs, the daiesof their pilgrimage. And holy David in many pla- i t, ces confeffeth the fame, bath ofhimfelfe, and his fathers al- fo:Wearc (faithhe)grangers before thee and foieurnerslike 419.19. all our fat hers, oui die, are to Ft the fliadosvvpon the earth, and there is no abiding. The which as it is manifefl by the Scrip- tures, fo alto may it be demonfirated by euidcntreafon ; for that is to bee efheemed a mans countrie, where his chick friends and kindred remaine,where his lining and fubt}ance doe lie,where he is to lend the mot} part of his life,, where h&hath moll contentment, and belt entertainment. But the fairhfull haue all their kindred in heaven, fauing fome fewwho are pilgrims with them on the earth; for there is not onely their heauenly father, Chrifi Terns their elderbro- thet,.with all theft anceflors who have formerly lived;iaut innumerable other brethren and fillers, who are together with them children to the fame fpirituall father; there alto they haue their chicle treafures and patrimonies, euen an in- I.Per.I.4. heruancevndefiled, and that fadeth not away, as the Apofile fpeaketh ; there they are to fpend all their lilies, fauing a few daies in which they are to finilh their pilgrimage, which though they wereequal! to the age of Merhafelab,yet were they not fo much as a minute in comparifon of eternitic :Fi- nally, there they haue bell entertainment,and moll content- ment, becaufe there al tea, es {hall be wiped away from theit eyes, and there they {hall haue manfion houfes,inhtritance , crownes-ofglory,and fulneffe of ioy for euermore; where- as contrariwife the world affordeth them nothing but vaine and worthlefietrifles, vecertaine poffeflìons, and vnprofta+ blegifts; and that with the mixture of innumerable mift» ties, crofres,loflhs,troubles ,difcontcntments,afflióions, and malicious
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