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7lsar viare in the world pilgrim, and f rexxers. St is milicivusperfecutiós. The which is not to bevnderlfood of all men generally ;for as forworldings they haue here their citie and theirparadife; but oldie faithful / nnely, who haue P broUn renounced earthly pleafures,carnal lulls,and worldly concu- Serm. ;, pifcence. And(as one faith) he is to be reputed a flianger vp- Phil. ;.io. on earth, who can truely fay that his conuerfation its ip heauen,who bath his portion in the Lord,who can inwardly grieue that he liueth but too long in this place ofpilgrtmage and bani(hmenr,who is tired with the tedious nesofthis life, and is glutted & loatheth ÿ length & prolixity of his earthly habitation, it being contrary to his delire, & enforcing him often to crie out, woe be to them that dwell vpon the earth; who feareth not tobedif folued, and ifhebe, refumeththat he flail be with Chrifl.He isa citizen ofthe faints who bath Pfa1,r1.0.4. laid vp his treafure in heauen. For this man departing out of Phu.x.23. this earthly Egypt, doth not delire to retorne again, nei- ther doth he feare vnrecouerable old age, or the very con- fines of death. Hee taketh no care for the building of new barnes, forthe liming vp of his corne; Peeing bee is here to hue the lifeola flranger,but being onelyrich in fruitful' ver- tues,he gathereth thofe things together, which neither old age can deflroy,nor death take away. Now this confideration that we are not in our own rosin- vie, but remainefora while vpon the earth as pilgrims and firangers,fhould ferué as an of e6tuall realon to weave out 4.,;e¿j,y, hearts from the loue oldie world and worldly vanities, and That tbssfáowld to place them in hearten, and on heattenly ioyes,whieh is out weave ose harts owne countrie and place ofrefidence. For,aswe know, pil- becm ¡è eoixá grims and firangers being trauelling in a fore countrie, doe as /!,.angers not fet their hearts on the things which they fee by the way, sn st. becaufe they are quickly to leaue them ; but their minds and meditations doe wholly runne vpon their owne countrie, and theirhearts are fixed on thofe pleafures, profits and pre- ferments, which afèer their journey is finned, they hall there enioy for tearmeofiife. And therefore i f wee bee pil- grims on earth, wee mull follow their prarlife, and not fet- our hearts on the woridand earthly things, becaufe we haue theta
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