Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That me are in the worldpilgrims and grangers. 815 fed, mounteth aloftagaine aboue the clouds: fo let not vs loWer our hearts and affeólions any longer torefl vpon the earth, then we are compelled with our prefent neceffity, but like the true Eaglets of lefus Chrifi, let vs retort thither where the dead carcafe is, and being fed hunt jib, let vs mount aloft in diuine contemplation, and haue our conuer - Phil. ;.zo. fanion in hcaucn, as the Apollie exharteth vs, Finally, as pilgrims and trauellers when they are in their ioui+ncy to- wards their countrie, call away all impediments which might hinder and tire them in their trauell : fo let vs who like pilgrims are trauelling towards our heauenly home, a? uoid all incumbrances, and carefully abandon all things which might any waies hinder vs from attaining to the end ofour journey, and from the inioying that eternali happines which is referued for Gods faints in his glorious kingdome. Now there is no like impediment to hinder vs inthischri- than courfe andpaffage, to the loue of the world and world, ly vanities,as I haue already !hewed. For they, who fall in loue with the place of their pilgrimage,will take neither care nor painesintrauelling towards their owne countrie ;and they who let their hearts vpon thefe earthly trifles, will by them as by Satansbaits, be led out of the way, and infnared with finne ; to as they will want all power and will to hold on the right conrfe,but will be content for the enjoying of their loue to make fate of the eternall ioyes of heauen, for the prelent fatisfying of their delires; and therefore the Apo- file exhorteth all who defire to finifh this journey, that they would like /Irangers and pilgrims ais aine from carnali 1, f1.r r.Pet.z,rr, which fightagain/I their [sties. For as enemies lying in am- bul}tment doe let out booties for the aduerfe partie to prey vpon, which if theyleeke tofeaze into their hands, they are prefentlyintrapped, difco:xtfited, and either flaine or taken captiue ; fo if we be ruiedby our carnali concupifcence,and fuffer there worldly luf}sof couetoufneffe, voluptuoufneffe, and ambition, to beare any fway in vs, then no fooner can Satan fee out the bootie or bait of riches, pleafures, and pre- fennents,butwe (halt bee thruft on with a greedy defire to prey vpon them; which we.flìall no room do but prefently wee