Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
IIMMINEM That we are in theworldpilgrimsand ,bangers. to flip out of his hands:fo much more foolifh are we,ifbeing to wrefile,not with flefh & blood,but with principalities and powers, who are prepared and fitted with all aduantages ; we come Mall our worldly pompe, hauing fait tied vino vs in the bondsofcarnall loue, our earthly iches, pleafures fad glue preferments,fceing wefhall hereby ftenvponvs,andworkeour ouerthrow : or being to runne a racefor a garland ofno leffe price,then the crow ne ofeter- nail glorie,doe loade and cumber our felues with the heauie burthen of worldly cares, or when we are running toturne out ofour way,and be content to fit flil,that we may obtaine -Come worldly trifle of finali worth, and leffe continuance. And therefore let vs auoid thisfollie and worldly dotage; and as the Apofile exhorteth'vs, (a runne that we may obtaine. t.Ccr.9.z }a ;a Let vs being to mettle with fuch mightie enemies, like him that prooueth maiieries, abflaine from all things which might binder vs, roobtainea crowee which ie vncorruptible. Let vs come into-the field againíl our fpirituall enemies, not loaded and incumbred with the burthen of worldly trafh, tied fall vnto vs in the bonds of carnall loue, which will -but difable -and betray vs into the hands ofthefe foes which feeke our o- uerthrow; but let vs come armed withGods fpiritual graces, and aflulled withthe power of his might, whereby we fhall be enabled to obtaine thevi&orie; that fo we may fay with the Apoflle, l haue fought agood fight, finifbed my courfe, and 1,Tim.¢ga. baue kept the faith from hence foorth ie laid vp forme the Browne efrighteoufxef ,which the Lord, the righteous Iudgelhallghee me at that day; feeing this is promifed(ashe there affirmeth) not to him alone,butto all them,who obtaine the vi &oric in this fpirituall warfare; according to that gratious promife; To him that owercommeth, will 1 grant to fit with mee in my tbrone,eweu ae 1,owercame,and fit with my father in his throne. Ggg C'xnr.
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