Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Sili flea we are citizens of beaten. CHAP. II. 'That welhouldcantemne the world, tad worldly vanities, its regard that wee are citizens ofheauen; etied beires of better hopes. (",Sell.!. He fecond reafon, why wee abouc all other Thatweeenight m , fhould not much efleeme, norimmoderately epftytornemtte ' loue theworld,and worldly vanities,is,becauk earthly things, , that as we are pilgrimes here,and therfore muff if stsofodme b <..' °% neceffaril kaue them in our paflge; fo we are ditattofour. ' Y heavenly pia- citizens of new Ierufalem,the Kingdome of Heaven. So ledges,and theApoflle faith,thar, We batting through Chri}ianentrance ioyes. voto the Father by one fpirit, are now nouoreffrangersand for - ElitNt renners,but citizens with the Samts,and ofthe ho ilhold o f Cod. And (peaking of 4braham, the father of the faithful!, hee faith,that he abode in. the land of promtfe,as in a f1 range country, and as one that dwelt in tents, who is alwaies readie tore- Nebo( z moue and flit away,becaufèbelooked for acitie, liaising fours. dation,whofe builder and maker is God.Neither tnasthis peculi. ar to him alone,but general ro all his children,who followed him in thefaith; of whom it is Paid, That they haue here no Ekb,a34 4, continuing cirie,but that they feeke one to come.. A nd'thereafon is apparant:for we are citizensand fubieas ofthat kingdom,_, whereof Chrill Iefirs is Lord and King.; but himfeltè bath ighu is '3c plainely. told vs, that his Kingdome to not of this world, but that hee.raigneth and ruleth in that Kingdomeofeternall glory ;and therefore whofoeuer . are fubiebls vnto him, they cannot bee free denizens ofthe world, but citizens ofHea- tien. Vntawhich we might adde,thatas our Lord and King made hut afliort flay vpon the earth,.but keepeth his court sad reldencin the new lerufalem whichis aboue : fowce his people and faith full fubicc'ls, who are allo feruants of his familie,yea, membersofhis glorious .bodi'e, 'hall Make here but a momentanieabode ; but after we are departed hence, &al haue in heauen euerlafling habitat ions ;in which refpea aifo,aswee are here (!rangers and pilgrims, fo mayweebee rightly
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