Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
That ive are citizens ofheaslen. 8.21 rurally aff 9ethbleffcdnes,anddefirechthatwhichischicle- lygood; which when through his naturali ignorance and blindneffe, he cannot difcerne ,or amine vnto,heisreadie to placehis heart and affeelions vpon that which isbefe, in. his owneknowledge and opinion. But now after that tbegrime,I ;. of Godwhich bringeth falitation wits allmen loath appeared, and taught vs that ire pied dealt vngodlinefe, and worldly lilts, and that vie.1hmild lime foberlie and righteoufly, and godly in this preleentab air ld;looking for the bleffedhope, and appearing of the glory of themighty God,and of our Sauiour !elm Chria it were more then tnadnes,ifwe fhuld fuller our felues fbi tobe eranf- ported with worldly con( upiféence,and prefer the prefent fa- tisfyingofour carnalde1res, before the eternal fruition of our heauenly ioies.It is not much to beemaruelled at, ifchil- dren wanting wit and experience,to guide them better,do af- aflebi childish trifles, and foolifh vanities; for as the Apofl:le faith,When l eval achild, / pa ae achild,1 vnderfiaodac a child, z.Cora;.rr; I thong¡n as child: and it is counted in them no great abfur- dity,ifthey fpend their time in idle fports,and preferan apple before a goodly lordfhip,and a top and fcourge before their patrimonie ; but when they cone to ripe yeeres,it is thenex- pe&ed,that they put away childi fh things,contetnne chofe toles which before they fo much efIeemed,and affe& thingsmore graue and waightie,asbefitteth their age and better know- ledge ; becaufe hauing attained vnto a more folid iudgge- ment,they eafily difcerne the vanity ofthefe worthies trifles: and foie is not much tobe regarded, if worldly men, being infants in knowledge,before Chrifi: Iefus was preached vnto them,and the riches and glory ofhis Kingdomemanifefed, did like children affe6 worldly vanities, and becaufe they knew no better, Cooke their whole delight in thefe trifling toles; but now hailing attained to more ripe knowledge ,and hauing been made acquainted, both with the vanitie,and bafenef a ofthefeworthleffe crifles,and with the exceilencie and riches of Gods Kingdome,they are to lay afide their chil- difh loue, no more taking their chicle delight in zhefe mo- mentanie vanities & earthly things;but rather to fpend their thoughtsand meditations, and imploy all their labours and G g g ; indea-
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