Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That we are citizens ofheanen. 8 t5 forrenners, hut citizens with the Samts, and of the houfliold of..dmhr'ant ter - God; let vs leaue thefe idols to be adoredby the Gentiles, renaGe.tXes who haue no knowledge of the true God, nor intereft in his swn q bdme fien cæil detur; teia heauenly kingdome; andlet them delire things prefenr,who concupifcant haue no hope to cnioy Gods gratious and rich promifes prgfentia qui concerning things to come : and let it be a forcible argu- tuca non cre- ment(as our Sauiourvrgeth it) toreftraine vs from immode. duns. rate louing orcaring for the things of this Iife,that the Gen - March,ó. ;s,; ;. tiles who haue no better hopes, feeke mainly after thefe tri- fles; but let vs who hauemore knowledge,. andbetter aílit- ranee, feekf firs the kmgdome of gad and his rs hteoufne1Te, Hebr.r ;s.6. feeingwe haue Gods infallible promife, that thefe things, without our carking care, (hall in force competent fufíîcien- cie beminiftred vnto vs. More efpecially, (icing we haue affluence ofeternall glo- 4,Sef 4 rieand be adopted heires ofthe kingdome ofheauen;let vs rina earthly be. not inour iudgements ouerualue and efteeme, nor in our af- nors, riches and fee-lions and endeauours immoderately loue and feeke, the plealhres,are vaineglorie ache world,and thefe momeritany honors and befe and eine prcferrnents;whicb befitreth them who baue nohope ofbet- WO rifontoJthe- ter aduancement; but ill-befeerneth vs who expect within a rreafureselorie. while fuch glory and grcatnes.And this argument Ieremie andioyesofhen- vfeth to diflwade Baruch from looking after preferments in sen the world, becaufe they were momentanie and of no conti- nuance. Behold, faith the Lord, that which I hale built will I Icrem.41.4S M roy, and that which 1 haueplanted,teill I plucks vp,essen this whole land; and feekeri thou great things for thy felfe? feeke them not And our Sauiour Chrif }by the fame reafon perfwa- dcth his difciples n ot to afpire ambitioufly afterworldly fu- perioritieand foueraigntie, becaufe it better befitted earth - ly potentates, who had no hope of reigning in the king- dome ofGod:Tehiso , (faith he)thet they tbhich defile to beare Marke 10.43, rule emo,v,b: Gentties, hauedornintuien otter them, and they that be great among them, exercife ant horttie euer :hem; but it fhall net befoamong you, &c. So feeing this world is the place ofourpilgrimage, & heauen ourcoütrey , where vnualuable treafures are refcrued for vs it is now no time to affe6 world dy wealth,and abundance of this earthly riches,fot as the A- pofle