Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That roe are citizens efheauen. 827 ehambrhng and smut ennef , nor begrife and enuyinq. But put ye on ehe Lord lsf'u Chrifí,and take no thought for the fiiefh,to fill- fill the lust's. ofir. It is true indeed that if the loue of God, and the world t,.Secrl. y. would (land together, if wee could at the fame in[lant place That they who our hearts and affeelions both vpon heauenly and earthly lone a world things; if wee could exceedingly loue, and earneflly feeke tare of their the thingsofthis life,and afterbe Cure to fin de the glorie and heauentyhopat. happinelfe of the life to come; ifwce could firíbe citizens of the earth,and afterwards obtaine the freedotne and priui- ledgesof the new Ierulalem;there were fome reafon why we fhould fo much efieeme,and with filch ardent loue affeël and feeke after thefe worldly vanities. But the Scriptures haue plainly taught vs, that the a lone of the world is emnitie a lames 4.4 with God, that Thee cannot b ferue God and riches, that wee mug b Mat.6.s4.and e forfaheall, ifwee wiltbe Chrifis d fciples; and finally, that as a 16.24. many as belong to his kingdome of grace, and afterward fhallraigne with hint in his kingdomeofglorie ,are chofenaIehnrpp. out and feparated from the world: and therefore we are put to our choyce, whether wee will be louers of God, or the world, citizens of the earth, or citizens of heauen, feeing both will not (land together. For as thofe who were citi- zcnsofRorne,lo(l their freedomeifchey became citizens of any other ciitie; fo (ball we lofe our frccdorne and priuileges inthe new Ierufalem,if we become citizens of the earth.To this purpofe one faith, that many by greedie coueting that Bafil.ada'on, which belonged vnto others, haue loft that which appertai- ad liliumfpiri- ned to themlèhtes: there worldlythings are alienated from tualem. vs, and our poffeffion is in the kingdome of beaten ;and therefore let vs take heed, left by coueting that which is the rightof others, we lofe that which is our owne. It is laid of Caine,th at he builtthe fir(t tide vpon the earth,tofhew,that he feeketh an habitation and abiding place in this world, who is excommunicate fromthe communion of Saints, and banifhed out of our heauenly countrey. Wherease/Ibra- ham the father ofhhe faithfull, Ifaac, and Jacob with the reflofehe Patriarchs liued in Tents tofhew that like pH- grimes they were hill in rernouing to their ovine countrey, as