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828 That ?be arecitieensofheauen. as the Apoffleobferucth. And therefore if we would not be like reprobate Caine, or delire to imitate rhefc holy Patri.. arches,let vs not fettle our affc 1ions,and fix our hearts vpon the world,andworldly vanities ; but only vfe them as necel. faries for our paffage, and contemoc them when wefnde them impediments, or when they come in compari Con of Gods fpirituall graces,or hea uenly ioyes. §.Sell.6. Which that we may the rather doe,lct vs confîder,that all That all the Gods faints and feruants haue gone before vs in this hohe faithfull base pra6tife, as precedents and examples: for no fooner were from timeto they made partakers of the gifts and graces ofGods holy contemned f irit andhad but fomelittle tafle of the hcauenly ha Ines tbe world. P > pp' , but prefently they contemned the world and the vanities thereof; they were readie to leave all and follow Chriff, and euen to lay downe their hues, for the profeffion of the Gofpell. It were endleffe to nanic all; force few (hall fuflìce. a t.Cor.z.z. The Apoffle Paul profeffetb,thathe de fired to al ow nothing t, Ga1.6.r4. but [epee Chrf and him crucified; and faith, b God forbid that he fhould retoyce in any thing, but in the croffe ofour Lard lefua Chrifl; tbhereby the world was crucified veto him,and bee veto eP6i1. ;.S. the world. Yea he accountedall things cloffe,and no better the» dung that he might t ;inne Orig. So elfewhere hee profeffeth, ir.Thefa.6. that he "fought not the praifàofinen, neither of the Theffalo- nians nor any other. Thus alto Abrahamat Gods comman- dement left his ownecountrcy, and contemned all the pro.. fits,pleafitres, and preferments which it might haueyeelded vino him, in comparifon of the land ofpromife, though bee dwelt therebut as e a ffranger, and had little ioy and com- fort inn, but onelyasit was a type ofthe heauenly Canaan. So c 9llofes refufed to be called the fonne of Pharaohs daughter, and was content to abandon all the profperitie which hee might hauehad in the land ofEgypt; and chofe rather to fuf- fer aduerfttie with the people of God, then to enioy the pleafures Hcba I.54.2 Ç of f ine for a f afore; efieeming the rebuke of Chrili greater ri- z6, ches,then the treafures of Egypt,and that becaufe hee hadrefpeá to the recompenfe of the re:nard, as the Apoffle teacheth vs. Yea Dauidhimfelfe though hee had all the royalties,profits, and delights,which a kingdome could affoord vino him;yee could
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